36 Years Ago

36 Years Ago, Vienna 1971—A Student Journal

Day 356: Final Day—Paris to home, 10 francs

Day 356 — Final Day—Paris to home, 10 francs
23-Jul-1972 (Sun.)

1971 John as hippie
It’s my final day in Europe. 356 days of an incredible European adventure that is coming to an end. An adventure I can never again replicate. I’m still depressed by not being with Anjali today, and today’s post gives an uncharacteristic negative feeling. I’m usually a bit more chipper and positive. Don’t worry, I’ll be ok. I think.

At the end of my day in Paris, I had 10 French francs left. That’s about $2 US. Do I make it home?

Yes. I’m home. Good old, home, sweet home. Hi mom. Hi Mike, Steve, Frank, and Dennis.

Plenty of photos today. See my family. See ALL the pictures of me from 1971.

It was an amazing year.


Day 355: Paris and Anjali, 50 francs

Day 355 — Paris and Anjali, 50 francs
22-Jul-1972 (Sat.)

Paris and the Eiffel Tower
Paris, the city of lights, the city of love. I’ve come to Paris to try and see Anjali one more time before I leave for home. What happens? Vous devez lire ce blog pour découvrir—you must read the blog to find out. Lots of photos today and I am rambling on about Anjali. I wonder why?

Day 348: Boating on the Wannsee

Day 348 — Boating on the Wannsee
15-Jul-1972 (Sat.)

Berlin avenues
A mildly simple day—a lecture and a boat ride with a girl. What? Berlin can have a boat ride? Yes, it’s Lake Wannsee. I find a new travel blog that I like.

Day 275: My Vienna songs

Day 275 — My Vienna songs
03-May-1972 (Mittwoch–Wed.)

One Summer Day lyrics
I talk a little about the original songs that I wrote for Anjali back in 1971–1972. Yes, they were corny and my singing is very bad. I post the lyrics of my first song, “One Summer Day.”

Day 253: Ich schreiben Deutsch, heute (badly)

Day 253 — Ich schreiben Deutsch, heute (badly)
11-April-1972 (Dienstag–Tue.)

Today, I write my journal totally in German. What was I thinking back then? Was German the national language or something? Or did Anjali write me saying that I might learn German better if I tried to write it? Regardless, I test my 36-year old knowledge of German and try to translate on the fly (riding back home on the train from a music convention). How did I do?

Day 191: Life at Wickenburggasse; letters from Anjali

Day 191 — Life at Wickenburggasse; letters from Anjali
09-February-1972 (Mittwoch–Wed.)

Anjali collage 1971
Just a few memories on life at home in my Wickenburggasse room. After a normal school day, I reminisce about my letters with Anjali. I come to the realization that I was probably in need of a girlfriend.

Day 108: Will meet Rotary students

Day 108 — Will meet Rotary students
18-November-1971 (Thur.)

A full day at school followed by a Verdi opera at night. Two letters, from Anjali and Rotary Clubs International, complete the day.

Day 104: Homesick, girlsick

Day 104 — Homesick, girlsick
14-November-1971 (Sun.)

I’m tired. I’m homesick. I’m girlsick. Where is my new girlfriend?

Day 098: John & Anjali (Romeo & Juliet)

Day 98 — John & Anjali (Romeo & Juliet)
08-November-1971 (Mon.)

Here is my Juliet
A productive day in 1971. In 2007, I listen to a tape from Anjali and realize that we were, perhaps, the Romeo and Juliet of Vienna in 1971. A tragic love story. Here's my Juliet. Ok, I may be exaggerating a bit. Happy

Day 097: Grab that shovel—Dig up your past

Day 97 — Grab that shovel—Dig up your past
07-November-1971 (Sun.)

While 1971 is a great day for music with two concerts, 2007 sees me digging up my past. I am having a blast and it is bringing up great memories, some slightly corny love songs, and a ton of music-on-tape that I haven’t heard in decades. I am so excited, that I ramble on forever in today’s posting.

I encourage you to do the same. Dig up your past and enjoy those memories.

Day 082: Techie day—recording and editing sound

Day 82 — Techie day—recording and editing sound
23-October-1971 (Sat.)

I’m splicing up a tape storm in the electronic music lab, and give a detailed overview of the process of editing and composing with tape and sound. It gets a bit detailed and is meant for music majors interested in learning about these vintage composing techniques. If you’re not a music techie—skip to tomorrow.

I get a letter from best friend Lenny, and Anjali. That makes today, a red-letter day.


Day 070: Music theory, in German

Day 70 — Music theory, in German
11-October-1971 (Mon.)

Yay, I register for school and attend my first music theory class. It’s in German. Duh, what did I expect? Well, it’s more difficult than I imagined. This brings me to a discussion of foreign students in ESL classes. I can now relate.

I decide to write an opera, and some lyrics for a song for Anjali. Happy

Day 042: Where is Joan? In Vienna

Day 42 — Where is Joan? In Vienna
13-September-1971 (Mon.)

• I learn where Joan was yesterday—not in Vienna.
• A second apology goes out to the entire city of Vienna.
• It’s nice to spend time with friends.
• I don’t get excited until I get a letter from Anjali.


Day 038: Finally, a normal day

Day 38 — Finally, a normal day
09-September-1971 (Thur.)

Vienna park and Rathaus
Time to get down to business. I set up a daily routine for practicing. School (Academy of Music and Dramatic Art) will be starting soon.

I am getting to know my roommates—they’re fine, good guys.

The ghost of Anjali appears.

Day 037: Anjali leaves for home

Day 37 — Anjali leaves for home
08-September-1971 (Wed.)

Anjali leaves for home today—Paris. I am sad to see her go, but reflect on why she is special.

Will I get to see Anjali next summer in Paris? The city of love?

Day 035: Dinner with Anjali's mom; Belvedere Palace

Day 35 — Dinner with Anjali's mom; Belvedere Palace
06-September-1971 (Mon.)

Austria360 Belvedere Palace North Vogl
Letter writing, Belvedere Palace, dinner with Anjali’s mom, and some discourse on living in the “analog” world. Link to a wonderful 360-degree panorama by photographer Bernhard Vogl.

I'm really sad, once again, and missing Anjali. Happy She is still here, but I'm missing her. Ah, young love!

Day 034: Anjali's mom comes to Vienna

Day 34 — Anjali's mom comes to Vienna
05-September-1971 (Sun.)

Anjali last couple of days
Anjali’s mom comes to Vienna to pick up her daughter—Anjali. But her daughter—Anjali—is the girl that I really like and want to be with. Anjali will be leaving for Paris in a few days.

John stars in
Meet the Parents. What am I going to do?

[2007—computer mishap, offline for several days.]

Day 033: Anjali in a dress—dinner and dancing

Day 33 — Anjali in a dress—dinner and dancing.
04-September-1971 (Sat.)

Anjali saying goodbye
A full day with Anjali. We both know that she will be leaving soon which brings a bit of sadness to the day. We start out with a Woody Allen movie and end with dinner and dancing. And, she wore a dress and became a young woman.

If you’re a romantic, read today’s journal.

I veer a bit from the day’s activities and revisit some of the reasons for writing this blog whether you’re young or older.

Finally, send me an email or note a comment on the blog. I would love to hear from all readers.

Take care.

Day 032: Amusement at Prater

Day 32 — Amusement at Prater
03-September-1971 (Fri.)

The Prater ferris wheel
A day at Vienna’s Prater amusement park with Anjali. I get a little dizzy, lose in ping pong, and eat a lot. As an aside, I comment on my use of emdashes and thus address some of the grammar issues of my journal writing, and plea to Grammar Girl to set me straight.


Day 031: Anjali; the National Library; Hofburg Complex

Day 31 — Anjali; the National Library; Hofburg Complex
02-September-1971 (Tue.)

Sightseeing with Anjali continues. Just a bit of info on the Austrian National Library situated in the Hofburg Complex in central Vienna.

When visiting Vienna, you can’t help but imagine the expansive power and influence of the Austro-Hungarian empire as you enter the incredible Hofburg Complex through the Heldenplatz and look upon the massive Neue Burg.

Day 030: Sightseeing with Anjali

Day 30 — Sightseeing with Anjali
01-September-1971 (Mon.)

Anjali smiling
With exams over, I spend some quality sightseeing time with Anjali.

And I admit that I really like her.

Day 026: Mahler’s 8th Symphony; Schönbrunn Palace

Day 26 — Mahler’s 8th Symphony; Schönbrunn Palace
28-August-1971 (Sat.)

Schonbrunn Palace gardens 01
What a day. A visit to the incredible Schönbrunn Palace and gardens with Anjali, and an incredible performance of Mahler’s 8th Symphony. Shivers…shivers…shivers up and down my spine.

Practice on my new horn and sad to see Achille leave for Italy.

And a little rant on why the RIAA should change their policies and fees on licensing music for Internet-radio and podcasts.

Day 024: Burgemeister’s Reception at the Rathaus

Day 24 — Burgemeister’s reception at the Rathaus
26-August-1971 (Thur.)

Burgermeister reception at Rathaus
Back in Vienna, I return very tired and head off to German class. I’m not tired enough to miss the Mayor’s Reception that evening, however. A formal ball with everyone dressed up. Especially Anjali, in her soiree. Dancing and enjoyable company. Life is good.

Day 016: Innocence, first kiss

Day 16 — Innocence, first kiss
18-August-1971 (Wed.)

I explain that I typically don’t write about my daily routines in the journal.

This night is special for Anjali and myself. It is a great memory of youth and innocence.

Day 012: Let’s go to the summer cottage, dear—Belvedere Palace

Day 12 — Let’s go to the summer cottage, dear—Belvedere Palace
14-August-1971 (Sat.)

Belvedere Palace
“Hello, yes it’s me, Prince Eugene of Savoy. Yes, the guy who defeated the Turks in 1683. Well, thanks. We want to take the kids and go to the summer cottage this weekend at Belvedere. Can you round up the 1,000-person staff and have them get the place ready? Chow.”

That was the owner of Belvedere Palace. This was the first palace that I saw up close. Palaces are huge. The gardens are incredible. The interiors are ornate and magnificent. This was only the
summer residence. Wow. I'm ready to move in.

Oh, and Anjali also plays folk guitar, sings, and writes songs. And
I’m supposed to be the musician?


Day 011: Danube boat party, the Iron Curtain

Day 11 — Danube boat party, the Iron Curtain
13-August-1971 (Fri.)

Danube Boat Party
No short posts here. Live on-the-spot journaling, documenting an exciting full-day excursion on the Blue, err Green, Danube River that flows by Vienna (Wein). Sightseeing, plenty of photos, and more.

I’m up to the task and only briefly let the armed patrol boat, barbed-razor-wire security fence (the Iron Curtain), and the armed machine-gun guards in the towers “shock” me. Welcome to Czechoslovakia and communism in the 60’s and 70’s.

Anjali, a young, pretty girl, comes to the rescue. We sightsee, eat, and then learn to dance. I’m her first dance partner.