Day 287: Contemporary ballet and OSU
Day 287 — Contemporary ballet and OSU
15-May-1972 (Montag–Mon.)
I speak today to contemporary ballet and modern dance and relate to a modern dance/music composition that I wrote while a student at The Ohio State University. The composition was a musique concrète/electronic work titled, “Ruth,” based on the Book of Ruth from the Old Testament.
15-May-1972 (Montag–Mon.)
I speak today to contemporary ballet and modern dance and relate to a modern dance/music composition that I wrote while a student at The Ohio State University. The composition was a musique concrète/electronic work titled, “Ruth,” based on the Book of Ruth from the Old Testament.
Day 252: Ballet night
Day 251 — Ballet night
10-April-1972 (Montag–Mon.)
After a normal day, I take in a ballet at night. It’s contemporary music and dance.
10-April-1972 (Montag–Mon.)
After a normal day, I take in a ballet at night. It’s contemporary music and dance.
Day 172: Munich, Day 2
Day 172 — Munich, Day 2
21-January-1972 (Freitag–Fri.)
Day 2 in Munich brings together ballet, opera, museum, and a visit to a U.S. Army hospital and the famous Hofbräuhaus, Munich’s famous beer hall. A great day. Read More...
21-January-1972 (Freitag–Fri.)
Day 2 in Munich brings together ballet, opera, museum, and a visit to a U.S. Army hospital and the famous Hofbräuhaus, Munich’s famous beer hall. A great day. Read More...
Day 092: Tights, tutus, and tippie-toes
Day 92 —Tights, tutus, and tippie-toes
02-November-1971 (Tue.)
stirs. Plans for a skiing vacation are formulating. I
talk a bit about my regret of not traveling more in
life. Damn Euro/dollar ratio. Damn time.
I enjoy my first ballet in Vienna—Swan Lake. There are men in tights, women in tutus, and lots of tippie-toes.
02-November-1971 (Tue.)

I enjoy my first ballet in Vienna—Swan Lake. There are men in tights, women in tutus, and lots of tippie-toes.