Day 149: My Google ranking drops; about the Blog
12/29/07 12:10 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 149 — My Google ranking drops; about the Blog
29-December-1971 (Wed.)
Today has nothing to do with Vienna.
In 2007, my Google ranking seems to drop to ZERO. I am no longer viable. Is my content boring? Google engineers have programmed me into oblivion. No one likes me. A vacuum closes around me. I’m alone. I do not exist.
I talk a bit, once again, about the reason for this blog—inspiration—and the difficulties of getting a blog noticed in the blogosphere. Hmmm, I haven’t actually done any marketing yet.
In today’s post, I’m being rhetorical and dramatic purely for journalistic purposes. I hope Sergei and Larry from Google call me, and invest. I’m ready. Larry? Sergei?
29-December-1971 (Wed.)
Today has nothing to do with Vienna.
In 2007, my Google ranking seems to drop to ZERO. I am no longer viable. Is my content boring? Google engineers have programmed me into oblivion. No one likes me. A vacuum closes around me. I’m alone. I do not exist.
I talk a bit, once again, about the reason for this blog—inspiration—and the difficulties of getting a blog noticed in the blogosphere. Hmmm, I haven’t actually done any marketing yet.
In today’s post, I’m being rhetorical and dramatic purely for journalistic purposes. I hope Sergei and Larry from Google call me, and invest. I’m ready. Larry? Sergei?

Day 125: Good friends depart
12/05/07 11:08 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 125 — Good friends depart
05-December-1971 (Sun.)
happening in 1971.
In 2007, two good friends, Lisa and Kathy, are departing work.
05-December-1971 (Sun.)

In 2007, two good friends, Lisa and Kathy, are departing work.
Day 120: Get a Grip; 2007 photo surrealism
11/30/07 08:37 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 120 — Get a Grip; 2007 photo surrealism
30-November-1971 (Tue.)
much today. I get the grippe
(flu) shot
in 1971. In 2007, I am into surrealism and take a few
iPhone photos of stark trees with a foggy background.
Check out the Slide Shows page.
30-November-1971 (Tue.)

Day 119: iWoz, iJon
11/29/07 09:05 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 119 — iWoz, iJon
29-November-1971 (Mon.)
happens in 1971, so I talk about how this
similar to Steve Wozniak’s book, iWoz.
Steve is the engineering genius behind the Apple I
and Apple II computer and the cofounder of Apple
Computer. Steve Jobs is the marketing genius and
get-it-done cofounder who made Apple what it is
today. Steve and Steve—they did it. Apple.
I am the founder of…
Uh, I’ll be founding something or other in the future.
29-November-1971 (Mon.)

I am the founder of…
Uh, I’ll be founding something or other in the future.
Day 106: Raindrops and ripples
11/16/07 09:20 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 106 — Raindrops and ripples
16-November-1971 (Tue.)
2007 is the focus of today’s post. I have had a few major events occur in a short period of time causing me to become overwhelmed and stressed. Things will be ok. In this short period, I think of a new way to look at life’s events—raindrops and ripples.
In 1971, my concern over some silly students who have a lot of money to go skiing, and to the Caribbean, for holiday vacations now seems very inconsequential.
16-November-1971 (Tue.)
2007 is the focus of today’s post. I have had a few major events occur in a short period of time causing me to become overwhelmed and stressed. Things will be ok. In this short period, I think of a new way to look at life’s events—raindrops and ripples.
In 1971, my concern over some silly students who have a lot of money to go skiing, and to the Caribbean, for holiday vacations now seems very inconsequential.
Day 099: Life events
11/09/07 06:58 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 99 — Life events
09-November-1971 (Tues.)
1971 is uneventful. 2007 has an important announcement (though I don't talk about it). Lesson today—throughout life there will always be things that happen, surprise us, and cause us to make important decisions.
09-November-1971 (Tues.)
1971 is uneventful. 2007 has an important announcement (though I don't talk about it). Lesson today—throughout life there will always be things that happen, surprise us, and cause us to make important decisions.
Day 098: John & Anjali (Romeo & Juliet)
11/08/07 06:32 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 98 — John & Anjali (Romeo & Juliet)
08-November-1971 (Mon.)
productive day in 1971. In 2007, I listen to a tape
from Anjali and realize that we were, perhaps, the
Romeo and Juliet of Vienna in 1971. A tragic love
story. Here's my Juliet. Ok, I may be exaggerating a
08-November-1971 (Mon.)

Day 097: Grab that shovel—Dig up your past
Day 97 — Grab that shovel—Dig up your past
07-November-1971 (Sun.)
While 1971 is a great day for music with two concerts, 2007 sees me digging up my past. I am having a blast and it is bringing up great memories, some slightly corny love songs, and a ton of music-on-tape that I haven’t heard in decades. I am so excited, that I ramble on forever in today’s posting.
I encourage you to do the same. Dig up your past and enjoy those memories. Read More...
07-November-1971 (Sun.)
While 1971 is a great day for music with two concerts, 2007 sees me digging up my past. I am having a blast and it is bringing up great memories, some slightly corny love songs, and a ton of music-on-tape that I haven’t heard in decades. I am so excited, that I ramble on forever in today’s posting.
I encourage you to do the same. Dig up your past and enjoy those memories. Read More...
Day 096: Mozart’s Nozze; 36yearsago perfect for iPhone
Day 96 — Mozart’s Nozze; 36yearsago perfect for
06-November-1971 (Sat.)
We discuss
Mozart’s Nozze
Nozze de Figaro. I take
some Mozartian pictures of myself in tribute to
If you have an iPhone, the 36yearsago blog reads very nicely on it, or an iPod Touch. Try it.
06-November-1971 (Sat.)

If you have an iPhone, the 36yearsago blog reads very nicely on it, or an iPod Touch. Try it.
Day 094: Meet brother Dennis
11/04/07 09:36 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 94 — Meet brother Dennis
04-November-1971 (Thur.)
I have
nothing to say about 1971 today. After a bit of
digging in my past, I find some old photos. I
introduce to you my brother, Dennis (age 8 or so),
who saw me off at the airport on Day 001 of this
blog. Dennis is a great kid.
04-November-1971 (Thur.)

Day 093: Meet Maurizio Pollini and Olga
Day 93 — Meet Maurizio Pollini and Olga
03-November-1971 (Wed.)
1971 in
Vienna ends with an amazing Maurizio Pollini piano
2007 in NJ presents my beautiful wife, Olga. I have been neglecting the family ever since I began this project. Thus, I make amends by offering her international attention. Yes, my readership will now go up to 15 or so.
03-November-1971 (Wed.)

2007 in NJ presents my beautiful wife, Olga. I have been neglecting the family ever since I began this project. Thus, I make amends by offering her international attention. Yes, my readership will now go up to 15 or so.
Day 073: Two concerts, two decades, too good
Day 73 — Two concerts, two decades, too good
14-October-1971 (Thur.)
The title
says it all—two concerts, two decades, too good. 1971
features an incredible concert with the Romeros, a
family-style classical guitar ensemble, known for
their flamenco playing. The crowd goes wild! There
are five encores. John
is on stage with them! What? How
did that happen?
A wonderful 2007 operatic concert reintroduces me to some well-needed live music.
14-October-1971 (Thur.)

A wonderful 2007 operatic concert reintroduces me to some well-needed live music.
Day 065: William Tell, meet Bonanza
Day 65 — William Tell, meet Bonanza
06-October-1971 (Wed.)
my horn audition? Well, I blew it. I guess I was very
nervous. What will happen next? Will I get into
school? I’m not certain. I need some soul
soothing—Tchaikovsky and the Lone Ranger to the
In 2007, I hit the Audio Engineering Show in NYC to walk down the aisles of Javits Center and look at all of the music and recording equipment that I can’t afford to buy. Well, I can buy a few things.
06-October-1971 (Wed.)

In 2007, I hit the Audio Engineering Show in NYC to walk down the aisles of Javits Center and look at all of the music and recording equipment that I can’t afford to buy. Well, I can buy a few things.