36 Years Ago

36 Years Ago, Vienna 1971—A Student Journal

Day 356: Final Day—Paris to home, 10 francs

Day 356 — Final Day—Paris to home, 10 francs
23-Jul-1972 (Sun.)

1971 John as hippie
It’s my final day in Europe. 356 days of an incredible European adventure that is coming to an end. An adventure I can never again replicate. I’m still depressed by not being with Anjali today, and today’s post gives an uncharacteristic negative feeling. I’m usually a bit more chipper and positive. Don’t worry, I’ll be ok. I think.

At the end of my day in Paris, I had 10 French francs left. That’s about $2 US. Do I make it home?

Yes. I’m home. Good old, home, sweet home. Hi mom. Hi Mike, Steve, Frank, and Dennis.

Plenty of photos today. See my family. See ALL the pictures of me from 1971.

It was an amazing year.


Day 337: Where’s the sickle?

Day 337 — Where’s the sickle?
04-Jul-1972 (Tue.)

Typical sickle on Polish farm
A family day of work in the fields of Loczno. I use a sickle to harvest the crop. Holy, cow.

Day 334: Krakow, scenes of life

Day 334 — Krakow, scenes of life
01-Jul-1972 (Sat.)

Krakow church
Today is my second day in Krakow. I spend it as a normal person and take in the sights and offer my thoughts on life in Poland. Lots of photos today.

Day 320: Recital pressure

Day 320 — Recital pressure
17-Jun-1972 (Samstag–Sat.)

I’m stressing out for my upcoming horn recital. Uh, oh!

Day 308: Preparing Fantasy

Day 308 — Preparing Fantasy
05-Jun-1972 (Montag–Mon.)

I remiss a bit about going out with friends for casual conversations over drinks and food. I am preparing my composition for a concert. I am being asked to play in a horn recital. The pressure is mounting.

Day 301: Paris says no

Day 301 — Paris says no
29-May-1972 (Montag–Mon.)

Today is the day that I actually get the news that I am not going to Fontainebleau this summer to study composition. I’m depressed.

Day 284: The Electronic Music Studio TV shoot

Day 284 — The Electronic Music Studio TV shoot
12-May-1972 (Freitag–Fri.)

Today’s a big day—they are doing a TV shoot about the electronic music studio. It should be a great day, but I am upset. Why?

Day 277: Note from Nadia Boulanger

Day 277 — Note from Nadia Boulanger
05-May-1972 (Freitag–Fri.)

Nadia Boulanger note part 1
A wonderful note comes to me from Fontainebleau in France. Nadia Boulanger has written me a handwritten note. A treasure. Today’s post is one of the most important to me, personally, in this entire year of blogging.

Day 264: If you have a bad day, wait, the next day may be better

Day 264 — If you have a bad day, wait, the next day may be better
22-April-1972 (Samstag–Sat.)

Yesterday was bad, today is great. Once again, the Ying and Yang of life is upon us. Why can’t I stabilize my life? Because life throws you curve balls. Keep you eye on the ball. A good day, though with results. I write a letter home.

Day 236: Selfish John

Day 236 — Selfish John
25-March-1972 (Samstag–Sat.)

I discover that I am a selfish, good-for-nothing, bum. I turn around 180-degrees that same day and let a good friend stay a week in my room.

Day 220: Too little, too much

Day 220 — Too little, too much
09-March-1972 (Donnerstag–Thur.)

I pose to you, the reader, these questions:

• Which is better—too little, or too much?
• Is it better to produce five top-ten hits or 200 here’s-the-idea pieces of music?

Then, I spend a lot of time talking about this stuff.

Day 212: Pupofon Zweimal

Day 212 — Pupofon Zweimal
01-March (März)-1972 (Mittwoch–Wed.)

Electronic scoring and electronic live performance, Prof. Kaufmann’s Pupofon, are the highlights of today. A good full day of music. I wonder about lost opportunities and lost composition.

Day 200: In 36 years, life hasn’t changed

Day 200 — In 36 years, life hasn’t changed
18-February-1972 (Freitag–Fri.)

Life hasn’t changed in over 36 years. I was amazingly prophetic in 1972. I take you on a tour of my prophecies regarding my back, stomach, ego, brain, work, stress, eating chocolate, and girlfriends. It’s as if I stepped through a time-space continuum portal (with some warping) from 1972 to 2009.

Day 197: 25s a day, oh my!

Day 197 — 25s a day, oh my!
15-February-1972 (Dienstag–Tue.)

“25s a day, oh my” can be sung to the
Follow the Yellow-brick Road song in The Wizard of Oz. 25 Austrian schillings a day. Money, money, money. It’s time to follow the yellow-brick road to budgeting expenses.

Day 192: Dreams, hopes, and scholarships

Day 192 — Dreams, hopes, and scholarships
10-February-1972 (Donnerstag–Thur.)

I want to continue study and look to finding places to study and apply for scholarships. My 1972 youthful hopes and dreams are becoming apparent. Life’s choices and reality may change those dreams. My advice to young people…


Day 182: NAMM 2009

Day 182 — NAMM 2009
31-January-1972 (Montag–Mon.)

M-Audio Torq DJ controller
Today, I talk a bit about NAMM 2009, the music trade show that introduces new music products to U.S. music retailers.

Day 168: A Lulu of a day

Day 168 — A Lulu of a day
17-January-1972 (Montag–Mon.)

It’s a
Lulu of a day. I had two good lessons. It’s a day at the dentist. It’s Lulu at the opera. And, I learn a life-lesson from a young blind boy.

Day 057: Hot cold, Ying Yang

Day 57 — Hot cold, Ying Yang
28-September-1971 (Tues.)

Experiencing the opposites of life, a bad hair day turns into a good hair day. Hair aside, I find a room to live in for the remainder of the year. It’s a great day.

A double-bill of two light Italian operas,
Cavalleria rusticano and Paglicacci at the Volksoper makes it even better.