Day 265: Bernstein and Vienna Boys’ Choir in Mahler 3
Day 265 — Bernstein and Vienna Boys’ Choir in Mahler
23-April-1972 (Sonntag–Sun.)
What a
day, again! A long post for a great day. The Vienna
Boys’ Choir, first in church, and then in concert
with Leonard Bernstein performing Mahler’s 3rd
Symphony. Wow. Today, was the day I took pictures
inside the Musikverein. Then an opera at night. Is
Vienna, the City of Music or what?
23-April-1972 (Sonntag–Sun.)

Day 243: Fragments, not sentences
Day 243 — Fragments, not sentences
01-April-1972 (Samstag–Sat.)
A normal day with some music, reading, eating, and opera. I talk a bit about my journal writing—fragments, not sentences.
01-April-1972 (Samstag–Sat.)
A normal day with some music, reading, eating, and opera. I talk a bit about my journal writing—fragments, not sentences.
Day 189: Pretty “well,” not pretty “good”
02/07/08 08:09 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 189 — Pretty “well,” not pretty “good”
07-February-1972 (Montag–Mon.)
My grammar is not well, err, good. Sheesh! Thank goodness I bought Grammar Girl’s new book.
I won’t be a film composer anytime soon, but I am appreciating Prof. Kaufmann, once again.
07-February-1972 (Montag–Mon.)
My grammar is not well, err, good. Sheesh! Thank goodness I bought Grammar Girl’s new book.
I won’t be a film composer anytime soon, but I am appreciating Prof. Kaufmann, once again.
Day 154: Great skiing at Valluga
01/03/08 06:42 PM Filed in: Austria
| sightseeing
Day 154 — Great skiing at Valluga
03-January-1972 (Mon.)
A quality
day of ski lessons and skiing at St. Anton and the
cable car to Valluga. Nice.
Suddenly I'm Don Juan, meeting girls all over the place. Read More...
03-January-1972 (Mon.)

Suddenly I'm Don Juan, meeting girls all over the place. Read More...
Day 104: Homesick, girlsick
11/14/07 08:32 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 104 — Homesick, girlsick
14-November-1971 (Sun.)
I’m tired. I’m homesick. I’m girlsick. Where is my new girlfriend?
14-November-1971 (Sun.)
I’m tired. I’m homesick. I’m girlsick. Where is my new girlfriend?
Day 097: Grab that shovel—Dig up your past
Day 97 — Grab that shovel—Dig up your past
07-November-1971 (Sun.)
While 1971 is a great day for music with two concerts, 2007 sees me digging up my past. I am having a blast and it is bringing up great memories, some slightly corny love songs, and a ton of music-on-tape that I haven’t heard in decades. I am so excited, that I ramble on forever in today’s posting.
I encourage you to do the same. Dig up your past and enjoy those memories. Read More...
07-November-1971 (Sun.)
While 1971 is a great day for music with two concerts, 2007 sees me digging up my past. I am having a blast and it is bringing up great memories, some slightly corny love songs, and a ton of music-on-tape that I haven’t heard in decades. I am so excited, that I ramble on forever in today’s posting.
I encourage you to do the same. Dig up your past and enjoy those memories. Read More...
Day 079: John joins the Vienna Boys' Choir; Grammar Girl questions
10/20/07 01:21 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 79 — John joins the Vienna Boys' Choir; Grammar
Girl questions
20-October-1971 (Wed.)
The big
news is that I join the Vienna Boys' Choir. There is
even a photo of me. I start my first day in
electronic music, attending an acoustics class. And I
have fond recollections of my new-found friend Alan
[Civil, 1st horn of the BBC Symphony Orchestra] from
I talk a lot about my writing style in this post and pose questions for Grammar Girl—should I be “true” to the journal?
20-October-1971 (Wed.)

I talk a lot about my writing style in this post and pose questions for Grammar Girl—should I be “true” to the journal?
Day 070: Music theory, in German
10/11/07 11:27 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 70 — Music theory, in German
11-October-1971 (Mon.)
Yay, I register for school and attend my first music theory class. It’s in German. Duh, what did I expect? Well, it’s more difficult than I imagined. This brings me to a discussion of foreign students in ESL classes. I can now relate.
I decide to write an opera, and some lyrics for a song for Anjali.
11-October-1971 (Mon.)
Yay, I register for school and attend my first music theory class. It’s in German. Duh, what did I expect? Well, it’s more difficult than I imagined. This brings me to a discussion of foreign students in ESL classes. I can now relate.
I decide to write an opera, and some lyrics for a song for Anjali.

Day 069: The early bird gets the book
Day 69 — The early bird gets the book
10-October-1971 (Sun.)
Today is
such a jam-packed day—from the early-bird in line for
tickets, to a morning mass, reading books, walking in
the park, taking pictures, and ending with a night
opera—today was, well, jam-packed.
I take a tangent on the benefits of reading. I’ll throw in a bunch of pictures if you promise to read about reading.
10-October-1971 (Sun.)

I take a tangent on the benefits of reading. I’ll throw in a bunch of pictures if you promise to read about reading.
Day 032: Amusement at Prater
09/03/07 09:24 PM Filed in: Vienna | sightseeing
Day 32 — Amusement at Prater
03-September-1971 (Fri.)
A day at
Vienna’s Prater amusement park with Anjali. I get a
little dizzy, lose in ping pong, and eat a lot. As an
aside, I comment on my use of emdashes and thus
address some of the grammar issues of my journal
writing, and plea to Grammar Girl to set me straight.
03-September-1971 (Fri.)