36 Years Ago

36 Years Ago, Vienna 1971—A Student Journal

Day 233: Bruckner 8 in the Musikverein

Day 233 — Bruckner 8 in the Musikverein
22-March-1972 (Mittwoch–Wed.)

Vienna Musikverein concert
The student orchestra of the Vienna Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (Wien Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst) performs Bruckner’s Symphony No. 8 in the wonderful Großer Saal of the Vienna Musikverein under the direction of Maestro Karl Östereicher. A great lifetime thrill and fun to play.

Day 232: Salzburg pics

Day 232 — Salzburg pics
21-March-1972 (Dienstag–Tue.)

Salzburg and Festung Hohenslzburg
Amazingly, my 35mm film processing from Salzburg was found. The last time I was in Salzburg was in August. To celebrate, I repost some of my pictures.

Day 231: On stage at the Musikverein

Day 231 — On stage at the Musikverein
20-March-1972 (Montag–Mon.)

Musikverein Golden Hall
I’m on stage at one of the premiere concert halls in Vienna, no the world—the Musikverein. Well, today is just a rehearsal. Bruckner is on. I love it. I talk a bit about this famous concert hall.

Day 211: Leap Year with Bruckner

Day 211 — Leap Year with Bruckner
29-February-1972 (Dienstag–Tue.)

Wagner tuba
I’m playing Wagner tuba. I’m playing Bruckner. Well, we’re rehearsing. And in 1972 and 2008, we have an extra day this year. An extra day to play Bruckner.

Day 210: I’m playing Bruckner; Brothers

Day 210 — I’m playing Bruckner; Brothers
28-February-1972 (Montag–Mon.)

Bruckner 1894
Not only it is a good day but I am going to play Wagner tuba in Bruckner’s Symphony No. 8. Yes. Check out some Bruckner links and a YouTube video. I talk about brothers Steve and Frank.