musique concrète
Day 323: Horn recital and goodbye and hello to friends
Day 323 — Horn recital and goodbye and hello to
20-Jun-1972 (Dienstag–Tue.)
Today is a big day. My horn class recital and saying goodbye to my friends and teachers in both my horn and electronic music studies. What a wonderful year!
2009 brings in a surprise—Ragtime.
20-Jun-1972 (Dienstag–Tue.)
Today is a big day. My horn class recital and saying goodbye to my friends and teachers in both my horn and electronic music studies. What a wonderful year!
2009 brings in a surprise—Ragtime.
Day 313: Thank you Prof. Lintz-Maues
06/10/08 07:22 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 313 — Thank you Prof. Lintz-Maues
10-Jun-1972 (Samstag–Sat.)
In 2009, I receive a CD from Vienna with the lost recordings of Fantasy on Broken Glass, newly digitized by Prof. Lintz-Maues. What a thrill to hear those recordings after all of these years. Thank you, Prof. Lintz-Maues.
10-Jun-1972 (Samstag–Sat.)
In 2009, I receive a CD from Vienna with the lost recordings of Fantasy on Broken Glass, newly digitized by Prof. Lintz-Maues. What a thrill to hear those recordings after all of these years. Thank you, Prof. Lintz-Maues.
Day 310: World premiere—Fantasy on Broken Glass
Day 310 — World premiere—Fantasy on Broken Glass
07-Jun-1972 (Mittwoch–Wed.)
I make a
last-minute, desperate attempt to remix my Fantasy
composition for tonight’s world premiere. Do I make
it? Does the audience like it? Do I need to drink my
sorrows into the ground?
07-Jun-1972 (Mittwoch–Wed.)

Day 303: Live Kaufmann
Day 303 — Live Kaufmann
31-May-1972 (Mittwoch–Wed.)
My professor, composer Dieter Kaufmann, presents a very interesting “live” musical piece that he wrote based on live manipulation of a soprano voice. I liked it.
31-May-1972 (Mittwoch–Wed.)
My professor, composer Dieter Kaufmann, presents a very interesting “live” musical piece that he wrote based on live manipulation of a soprano voice. I liked it.
Day 299: New music from Prof. Kaufmann; Mai Fest
Day 299 — New music from Prof. Kaufmann; Mai Fest
27-May-1972 (Samstag–Sat.)
A full
day. Lots of things. Significant is that composer
Dieter Kaufmann is beginning work on a new musique
concrète composition. Mai Fest is also beginning.
27-May-1972 (Samstag–Sat.)

Day 292: My fingers are on TV
Day 292 — My fingers are on TV
20-May-1972 (Samstag–Sat.)
Today is mostly about my being on Austrian TV for a whole two seconds. The TV documentary about the Electronic Music Studio is finally on TV.
20-May-1972 (Samstag–Sat.)
Today is mostly about my being on Austrian TV for a whole two seconds. The TV documentary about the Electronic Music Studio is finally on TV.
Day 290: Ing. Gottwald to the rescue
05/18/08 08:53 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 290 — Ing. Gottwald to the rescue
18-May-1972 (Donnerstag–Thur.)
Ing. Gottwald to the rescue to help me make a better copy of my Fantasy on Broken Glass. I talk a bit about tape hiss and that musique concrète techniques naturally reduce the quality of sound.
18-May-1972 (Donnerstag–Thur.)
Ing. Gottwald to the rescue to help me make a better copy of my Fantasy on Broken Glass. I talk a bit about tape hiss and that musique concrète techniques naturally reduce the quality of sound.
Day 287: Contemporary ballet and OSU
Day 287 — Contemporary ballet and OSU
15-May-1972 (Montag–Mon.)
I speak today to contemporary ballet and modern dance and relate to a modern dance/music composition that I wrote while a student at The Ohio State University. The composition was a musique concrète/electronic work titled, “Ruth,” based on the Book of Ruth from the Old Testament.
15-May-1972 (Montag–Mon.)
I speak today to contemporary ballet and modern dance and relate to a modern dance/music composition that I wrote while a student at The Ohio State University. The composition was a musique concrète/electronic work titled, “Ruth,” based on the Book of Ruth from the Old Testament.
Day 284: The Electronic Music Studio TV shoot
05/12/08 08:44 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 284 — The Electronic Music Studio TV shoot
12-May-1972 (Freitag–Fri.)
Today’s a big day—they are doing a TV shoot about the electronic music studio. It should be a great day, but I am upset. Why?
12-May-1972 (Freitag–Fri.)
Today’s a big day—they are doing a TV shoot about the electronic music studio. It should be a great day, but I am upset. Why?
Day 282: Noise, rauschen, clicks
05/10/08 07:46 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 282 — Noise, rauschen, clicks
10-May-1972 (Mittwoch–Wed.)
Come on, you’ve always wanted to hear a pointed discussion on how to edit out clicks from a tape. Well, here it is.
10-May-1972 (Mittwoch–Wed.)
Come on, you’ve always wanted to hear a pointed discussion on how to edit out clicks from a tape. Well, here it is.
Day 281: Documenting the Fantasy
05/09/08 10:40 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 281 — Documenting the Fantasy
09-May-1972 (Dienstag–Tue.)
I talk a
bit about the documentation that I am preparing
for Fantasy
on Broken Glass and the
educational aspect of documenting the techniques and
creation of the composition. Includes some scans.
09-May-1972 (Dienstag–Tue.)

Day 270: Fantasy on Broken Glass—Finished, yay!
04/28/08 08:14 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 270 — Fantasy on Broken Glass—Finished, yay!
28-April-1972 (Freitag–Fri.)
A great
day. Fantasy
on Broken Glass—that’s my
musique concrète work—is finally finished. Yes. It’s
a good feeling to complete a project. Be thankful to
your teachers. Some pictures of the rough score.
28-April-1972 (Freitag–Fri.)

Day 246: Lost Glass, found—Thank you, Vienna
04/04/08 07:10 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 246 — Lost Glass, found—Thank you, Vienna
04-April-1972 (Dienstag–Tue.)
Broken Glass, found. No, that’s not a code word to launch nuclear weapons, it’s news from the Institute of Composition and Electroacoustic Media at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. They have found my 36-year-old tapes and will digitize them and send them to me. It’s a miracle.
04-April-1972 (Dienstag–Tue.)
Broken Glass, found. No, that’s not a code word to launch nuclear weapons, it’s news from the Institute of Composition and Electroacoustic Media at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. They have found my 36-year-old tapes and will digitize them and send them to me. It’s a miracle.
Day 239: Looking for Broken Glass
03/28/08 06:59 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 239 — Looking for Broken Glass
28-March-1972 (Dienstag–Tue.)
In 1972
it’s a regular day. In 2009, a few days ago, I send
an email to the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende
Kunst in Vienna, through their website, in an attempt
to locate a copy of my lost Fantasy
on Broken Glass composition.
28-March-1972 (Dienstag–Tue.)

Day 209: Scoring for sound
02/27/08 10:50 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 209 — Scoring for sound
27-February-1972 (Sonntag–Sun.)
I present some brief examples from my “graphic” rough scores of my musique concrète piece and samples from the typed notes on how I created the work. Looking back at my actual notes, some of which I can’t read, reminded me of how much work went into this project. It was not a musical masterpiece, but it was a great learning experience.
27-February-1972 (Sonntag–Sun.)

I present some brief examples from my “graphic” rough scores of my musique concrète piece and samples from the typed notes on how I created the work. Looking back at my actual notes, some of which I can’t read, reminded me of how much work went into this project. It was not a musical masterpiece, but it was a great learning experience.
Day 208: Teaching with sound
02/26/08 09:51 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 208 — Teaching with sound
26-February-1972 (Samstag–Sat.)
Music is
sound. Sound is music. Later in life, as a teacher, I
teach musical concepts and creativity through
sound—musique concrète and electronic music. Add the
ability to make student films—the young students
loved it all.
26-February-1972 (Samstag–Sat.)

Day 205: Musique concrète—from Vienna to teaching
Day 205 — Musique concrète—from Vienna to teaching
23-February-1972 (Mittwoch–Wed.)
Today, I talk about some of the techniques used to create music/sound in the musique concrète genre and how they can be used to teach musical concepts to young students, exploring musical creativity through electronic music and filmmaking. The students, grades 7–9, presented a full program of their creative work in a special Bicentennial program to the school. They were wonderful. Read More...
23-February-1972 (Mittwoch–Wed.)
Today, I talk about some of the techniques used to create music/sound in the musique concrète genre and how they can be used to teach musical concepts to young students, exploring musical creativity through electronic music and filmmaking. The students, grades 7–9, presented a full program of their creative work in a special Bicentennial program to the school. They were wonderful. Read More...
Day 190: The Sound of Breaking Glass
02/08/08 09:05 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 190 — The Sound of Breaking Glass
08-February-1972 (Dienstag–Tue.)
Today, I
record the sound of a breaking glass in electronic
music class and begin a satisfying journey of
manipulating sound with musique
concrète techniques.
I find a small excerpt of this lost music on the
Internet, over 36 years later.
08-February-1972 (Dienstag–Tue.)

Day 165: Electronic music class; a horn recital; dreams
Day 165 — Electronic music class; a horn recital;
14-January-1972 (Freitag–Fri.)
Today is a
full day of school—electronic music class, a horn
class recital, and dreams of returning to Vienna.
This photo is that of our electronic music class. A
good question to ask ourselves is how our lives would
be different today, if we had pursued and followed
those early dreams.
It’s never too late to dream and it's never too late to take those first steps on your journey.
14-January-1972 (Freitag–Fri.)

It’s never too late to dream and it's never too late to take those first steps on your journey.
Day 082: Techie day—recording and editing sound
10/23/07 10:10 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 82 — Techie day—recording and editing sound
23-October-1971 (Sat.)
I’m splicing up a tape storm in the electronic music lab, and give a detailed overview of the process of editing and composing with tape and sound. It gets a bit detailed and is meant for music majors interested in learning about these vintage composing techniques. If you’re not a music techie—skip to tomorrow.
I get a letter from best friend Lenny, and Anjali. That makes today, a red-letter day.
23-October-1971 (Sat.)
I’m splicing up a tape storm in the electronic music lab, and give a detailed overview of the process of editing and composing with tape and sound. It gets a bit detailed and is meant for music majors interested in learning about these vintage composing techniques. If you’re not a music techie—skip to tomorrow.
I get a letter from best friend Lenny, and Anjali. That makes today, a red-letter day.
Day 081: Electronic music day
10/22/07 10:31 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 81 — Electronic music day
22-October-1971 (Fri.)
Friday is my electronic music class. We begin the task of collecting sounds. I speak about the types of activities in today’s world that were influenced by both musique concrète and electronic music. Read More...
22-October-1971 (Fri.)
Friday is my electronic music class. We begin the task of collecting sounds. I speak about the types of activities in today’s world that were influenced by both musique concrète and electronic music. Read More...
Day 080: Musique concrète sounds good
10/21/07 11:18 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 80 — Musique concrète sounds good
21-October-1971 (Thur.)
It’s a full day. Most exciting is the start of my “electronic music” class and lab. I learn later that this class is rooted in “musique concrète.” No, we’re not making cement booties for the mafia’s hit list. We’re making music with sound. Very modern. Very avant-garde.
21-October-1971 (Thur.)
It’s a full day. Most exciting is the start of my “electronic music” class and lab. I learn later that this class is rooted in “musique concrète.” No, we’re not making cement booties for the mafia’s hit list. We’re making music with sound. Very modern. Very avant-garde.