36 Years Ago

36 Years Ago, Vienna 1971—A Student Journal

Day 033: Anjali in a dress—dinner and dancing

Day 33 — Anjali in a dress—dinner and dancing.
04-September-1971 (Sat.)

Anjali saying goodbye
A full day with Anjali. We both know that she will be leaving soon which brings a bit of sadness to the day. We start out with a Woody Allen movie and end with dinner and dancing. And, she wore a dress and became a young woman.

If you’re a romantic, read today’s journal.

I veer a bit from the day’s activities and revisit some of the reasons for writing this blog whether you’re young or older.

Finally, send me an email or note a comment on the blog. I would love to hear from all readers.

Take care.

Day 029: The beautiful parks of Vienna

Day 29 — The beautiful parks of Vienna
31-August-1971 (Tue.)

Man with pigeon
Last day of German class exams. Studying in the beautiful parks of Vienna. Travel the world virtually with Google Earth.