36 Years Ago

36 Years Ago, Vienna 1971—A Student Journal

Day 117: Where’s my turkey?

Day 117 — Where’s my turkey?
27-November-1971 (Sat.)

No turkey for me this year. Totally missed Thanksgiving. I see a contemporary music theatrical event and seem to like it. Europe is generally more open to contemporary music and art.

My cousin, Walter, has left the Peace Corps. I was impressed that he joined them as a volunteer in an African village, building a village well.

Day 026: Mahler’s 8th Symphony; Schönbrunn Palace

Day 26 — Mahler’s 8th Symphony; Schönbrunn Palace
28-August-1971 (Sat.)

Schonbrunn Palace gardens 01
What a day. A visit to the incredible Schönbrunn Palace and gardens with Anjali, and an incredible performance of Mahler’s 8th Symphony. Shivers…shivers…shivers up and down my spine.

Practice on my new horn and sad to see Achille leave for Italy.

And a little rant on why the RIAA should change their policies and fees on licensing music for Internet-radio and podcasts.