Day 180: Vienna Ice Follies
Vienna 1971—A Student Journal
A year of music, study, travel, sightseeing &
180 — Vienna Ice Follies
Morning played fourth
horn in the Hindemith Concerto.
Sometimes I feel like I’m improving and can do really
well. However, it’s only sometimes.
Spent rest of day trying to improvise with our class
(electronic music). I also have problems with this.
Maybe it’s because I can get more from experimenting
with separate sounds, than get a result from a group
At night, saw Wiener Ice Follies in the
Madison-Square-Garden-type Stadthalle (above). It was
really enjoyable, with a colorful show, stories,
comedy, good music, excellent skating. Even though
light was scarce, I tried taking pictures – some
experimenting. Results-?
Concerto for Four Horns. Again, I
played in a small ensemble—fourth horn, that means no
high notes (my weakness). I really like this
Hindemith piece. I put it on my senior recital on
French Horn from Montclair State College. There I
played first horn, of course (my recital) You can see
a picture of my Montclair horn colleagues in the
Pictures section.
In our
electronic music classes, we do electronic music
improvisations. Sometimes these come out fine, at
other times I’m not certain. In all my
college/graduate years, I’ve played in plenty of
pieces that required improvisation. It’s not easy and
I may not be the best at it.

Internet tickets. Do you know that I can look up all of the concerts for this season’s Vienna Stadthalle on the Internet, and probably buy tickets as well. How did you do it in the old days, probably asked your travel agent to pick up tickets.
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