Day 023: My new Alexander French horn
Vienna 1971—A Student Journal
A year of music, study, travel, sightseeing &
23 — My new Alexander French horn
The Day I bought my
new horn (Alexander F/B-M103)
from The
Alexander himself at his shop.
I arrived at the station around 7:00. Ate breakfast
and went for the horn. Alexander was actually a music
studio, but they also made horns. I met
Herr Alexander (middle-aged) himself and
he showed me what horns I could buy. Even though my
embouchure wasn’t good, I finally narrowed it down
(from 5) to 2 horns. I wasn’t exactly sure which horn
would be best. A first horn player from a Portuguese
symphony orchestra suggested one. And I, with my
other conclusions, chose that one. I hope it’s a good
When I bought my horn ($600 total), it was a little
more expensive than I expected. I think that’s
because the dollar wasn’t worth as much
anymore—(Nixon; Aug. 22).
With the cost of the train, altogether I am not sure
that I saved too much money. However, at least I went
there, and also because of the 10% surcharge, I know
I saved some money.
around. Mainz is industrial and also very commercial.
Just like the States. Not much for tourists to see.
Was here in
afternoon, to catch the train. Very big, modern, and
crowded city. Also industrial and commercial. Reminds
me of NYC [New York City]. There are a few things for
tourists to see but not too much. A lot of American
soldiers around. I didn’t like the city because it
had no charm at all. Vienna has charm.
Left on train that night—couchette to Wien.
my new horn. Yay! I’m
now the proud owner of a brand-new Alexander French
horn. $600—36 years ago. I hate to think of what a
new horn costs today. Many thousands of dollars.
[My first
horn! I still have it, though I haven’t played it in
about 15 years. It’s all frozen up and has a couple
of dents. If I get some extra money, I’ll fix it up
and maybe find a community orchestra to play in. I

I needed to get a second opinion on the horn and so who better to assist me than a first horn player from a Portuguese symphony orchestra. He was good. I have trouble with the high notes—that is the main reason I always blame my embouchure (the formation of your lips on the mouthpiece). I actually had "embouchure picture books" and special mouthpiece devices to try and fix this problem.
Meeting Mr. Alexander. It was also very exciting to meet Mr. Alexander himself. Gebr. is not his name, just a German corporate prefix (I think). Meeting Mr. Alexander was a special surprise. I don’t know enough about the history of Alexander French Horns to know if Mr. Alexander was the original horn maker, or one of the descendants of the original person. They still make and sell Alexander horns today. They are beautiful horns.

I played this horn during this year in Vienna. In later years, I played in community orchestras when I was a teacher, during my graduate work at both Indiana University and The Ohio State University, and afterwards as well. Once I became less involved with performance, the playing gradually died off. Now, I’m sorry. I really should pick it back up again. (Where’s the time?)
Whether you are at a Mahler concert or listening to a John Williams film score, you know that nothing beats the sound of a French horn section majestically pounding out a great horn line. Yes!
Back to reality.
The U.S. Dollar. It’s the story of my life. I do something and something a little bit bad happens next. Here it is I’m in Europe, studying, buying a horn, and trying to live modestly. What happens? President Nixon devalues the U.S. dollar on August 22, and I immediately lose a fair portion of my fellowship stipend. He couldn’t wait until August 1972. No, he said “John’s in Vienna, let’s stick it to him.” This caused me to struggle for a number of months. Rotary International finally came through and provided me an adjustment that helped later in the year. Thank goodness. Of course, this devaluation hurt me on the purchase price of my horn. The dollar was suddenly less valuable. If I bought the horn a week earlier, my dollar would have been worth more. Bad luck.

Charm. Yes, Vienna has it. Charm means "old." It’s those old palaces and buildings. Any city with commercial buildings (like New York) has less charm. My apologies to Frankfurt. I'll come back and be charmed.
Back to Vienna on the train with my new French horn. A great day!
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