Day 267: Partying with Bernstein
Vienna 1971—A Student Journal
A year of music, study, travel, sightseeing &
267 — Partying with Bernstein
An extremely interesting
day. Practiced in the morning and did nothing.
At 3:00 a re-do of Mahler’s 5th again. For free, and
I found a good seat in the third row, with a good
angle of him [Bernstein]. The music went extremely
well today, and I did enjoy it immensely.
Afterwards, went with Mike and Tom to room—ate dinner
(sandwiches) and then, at night, a group of a few
other students (Tom also) were invited to a party
with Him, himself. It was very interesting and
enjoyable. I think I learned something about him.
First, we got there and had wine, and waited for Len.
When he came, it began.
We listened to his Mass,
first time I heard it. On first impression, I would
say it’s very Bernstein (similarities to other works:
hand clapping, rhythms, bass activities). It is
certainly very pop orientated. In certain sections,
it was much different, and for me, much more musical
(not just popular). Mr. Bernstein was in the typical
position, I would expect. Leaning back (almost lying
down), sometimes with his hands over his face and
sometimes yelling out a line. Basically, very
Romantic. I realize I’m being slightly skeptical—but
I am not disturbed too much because it is not on an
extreme level.
He spent most of the time with us students even
though there were other guests. He preferred us
students who were swallowing every word and lying at
his feet.
We had a discussion after the Mass.
Unfortunately, it never
reached a very interesting and useful level.
Instead, there was much “philosophism.” It didn’t
bother me too much that he considered his work a
great work (and himself a great artist)—which
be, and leans
towards is,
true. But it
bothered me that everything else was “_____” compared
to his stuff. Well!
One of the students started doing great imitations of
opera singers—and it broke us up. Bernstein played at
the piano. (He knows a lot about music.) He can play
the piano, modulate—all easily.
Then the party died away slowly. Lenny smoked but
ended up coughing. He enjoyed the students’ company,
which is a good feeling. I asked him about Phi Mu
Alpha (our music fraternity), and he said he never
heard of it.
At 2:00 am in the freezing night, it took me one hour
to walk home.
Leonard Bernstein
I think that he is sincere in his music and beliefs,
which justifies his actions—conducting. But after
seeing more of him, I can’t help but feel that some
of his showmanship must penetrate his music and
conducting (not in a sincere way, but as show),
because this force is very big and strong in him. He
is a very friendly and nice person—but always with
some of the “I am Leonard Bernstein” attitude. And,
of course, he likes being the center of attraction.
He does not do all these things too obnoxiously and I
certainly enjoyed his company.
It is just that I now realize that he is not a God,
but a very fine artist. I am always more critical in
a situation like this because, then, I do not have to
swallow all of the surface material and crap that is
shoveled out, and instead I can look more deeply into
what counts—the music. And try to see if it works and
is good, rather than be told it simply is good.
novella. Wow,
today’s post is almost a small novel. Why? Because I
am meeting, up close and in person, Leonard
Bernstein, in the context of a social party. I’m
partying with Bernstein. Well, I was sitting there.
let’s get this straight. I love Bernstein, his
conducting, recordings, musical interpretations, and
his music. He is undoubtedly one of the twentieth
century’s finest conductor’s. He has conducted most
of the world’s top orchestras and his interpretations
are legendary. As a composer, his music stands the
test of time and places him in the top genre of
American composers. Bernstein is the Maestro.
Bernstein is a composer.
am I? Second,
let’s get this straight—who am I, in comparison? I am
NOT a true composer. If I were, I would be writing
music every day of my life. Although, I wrote serious
music as a student in universities, I didn’t
continue. What did I write? A lot of pop and
commercial music, hundreds within various time slots.
I like what I write—but a true composer, I am NOT. (I
wish I were.)
I am NOT a world-class conductor either. I conducted
band, orchestra, and jazz band for six years
as a
junior-high school teacher. It was
fun, and enjoyable. Can I conduct the New York
Philharmonic? Sure. With artistry? No—well, maybe a
little bit. Could I pass the extreme rigors that
conductors must endure in school to earn the
right-of-passage to conduct professional orchestras?
Can I sight-read full, complex orchestral scores at
the piano? Hear and analyze new contemporary music
and then conduct it? Never, it is of extreme
difficulty. Conductors deserve their due as well.
So, that’s how Leonard Bernstein and I compare. Keep
that in mind when you read my criticisms in my
back at my journal, I know that it is the first time
I have ever been in the company of a true world-class
artist, and seeing their personality up-close. What
was I expecting? That Bernstein would be shy? Not be
aware of his accomplishments and talents? That he
would not have an ego? Was I upset that he was even a
showman at a small, intimate party? Give him his
due—Bernstein deserves his credits and
accomplishments. He is a natural showman, but sincere
in his actions. He is world-class as a conductor and
As always, I believe my youthful criticisms are not
as important as one believed them to be when I was
youthful and displaying those criticisms—getting
older and its accompanying maturity brings about a
better balance of criticism. Interestingly, I
remember asking Bernstein a question about why he did
something musically in the Mass
and I did
not getting a satisfying answer.
was friendly. All in
all, the evening with Bernstein was a pleasant
experience. He was friendly and a gentleman. His
get-together with us students was good for him and
for us. It was an honor to be in his presence.
Oh, and as always, my invitation to this party was
through my friend, Mike. Mike was connected. I was
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