Day 113: First major snowfall; Heiler plays Bach
Vienna 1971—A Student Journal
A year of music, study, travel, sightseeing &
113 — First major snowfall; Heiler plays Bach

Es schneit! It really is snowing. For the first snowfall, we’re certainly having a healthy one. I could just imagine the Alps.
When it snows here, it snows. After a heavy day of schnee there were several results:
• Parks were beautiful scenes. So quiet.
• Streets were a mess. Another definition of snow—soot detector.
• Strassebahns were great fun to ride in (almost impossible). Like packing sardines in a can.
• I bought a winter coat (ski jacket), and an Austrian hat (ski) with the Austrian eagle.
• About 8+ inches of snow.


Of course, the city cars and traffic turn the snow into a mess. While the streetcars can move fine, they were packed with passengers. Still, sounded like fun.

Amazing. There is no Wikipedia article on Anton Heiler. Come on musicologists, get an article going. Here is a link to one of his CDs.
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