Day 222: Taking a chance
Vienna 1971—A Student Journal
A year of music, study, travel, sightseeing &
222 — Taking a chance
Whole day in El. Musik.
Didn’t get an exceptional amount done—but something.
So it goes.
At night, started a new idea for another composition
of SW and MW (short wave and medium wave) off of the
radio. The only problem might be technical—weak
batteries resulting in a too-slow recording. Use of a
mic, not of the best quality.
However, the idea is an excellent one, and further
work on it can be done in several directions. Chance
music or not. The concept that I really enjoy about
it is—it can be amazing and surprising (awareness) of
what can come out of a radio.
post surprised me and is an example of not
remembering what I was thinking about back then. It’s
partly an out-of-context issue. If I could hear what
I was listening to on the radio in 1972, then I might
be able to guess why I seemed excited by a new idea,
a new project. As it is, I have no idea. My guess is
that I was listening to a short-wave radio, trying to
record off of it with a cheap tape recorder and
microphone, and suddenly off to a realization of a
new idea.

Cage’s use
of sound, the prepared piano, and, notoriously,
“silence,” was well known. In college, I had
purchased some of Cage’s writings and followed and
listened to a good deal of his and other composers’
experimental and contemporary music. It was a genre
in which I was interested.
I would love to figure out the specifics of my
thoughts in that last paragraph of today’s entry.
What was I thinking, that could take radio excerpts
and make it an “excellent” idea that could go in many
directions? I just don’t know. It’s interesting to
I don’t believe that I ever followed through on this
idea. I suspect that today, I am a bit more
conservative. Who knows, one day maybe I’ll take a
John Cage on
Chance music
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