Day 247: The end is in sight
Vienna 1971—A Student Journal
A year of music, study, travel, sightseeing &
247 — The end is in sight
Excellent day in the electronic field. Spent 10 hours
and got some work done. The end is somewhere in
sight. Even managed to play a little horn—last couple
of days not so good.
on Fantasy—the end is in sight. Excellent
day. And I mention that the end is in sight. The
light at the end of the tunnel. That’s a first, and a
good thing.
Seeing the light. When you
can see a project coming to a conclusion it gives you
a sense of hope that you can actually finish it. If a
project goes on and on, it is more likely to suffer
problems and loss of spirit, which can lead to
abandoning the project. It happens a lot in life.
Seeing the end of a project (the light at the end of
the tunnel) gives you focus to complete it. Sometimes
a realistic goal also helps to define the end of a
project and will ensure a good chance of completing
it. Without focus and goals, we can wander and give
up. How many times have I started a project idea, or
a diet, and given up? Don’t give up.
Yang opposites. It’s
funny how your view of life changes. By decade,
years, months and today, by days. Today is a day of
opposites of just a few days ago. Remember my rant
about people “hogging” the electronic studio. Today,
I’m in the studio TEN hours—I’m the hog. As expected,
a few days ago I was singing the praises of my
progress on the horn while today I’m back to
complaining about my horn playing.
It’s the up and down of life, the opposites of Ying
and Yang.
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