Nov 2007
Day 120: Get a Grip; 2007 photo surrealism
11/30/07 08:37 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 120
— Get a Grip; 2007 photo surrealism
30-November-1971 (Tue.)
much today. I get the
grippe (flu) shot
in 1971. In 2007, I am into surrealism and take a few
iPhone photos of stark trees with a foggy background.
Check out the Slide Shows page.
30-November-1971 (Tue.)

Day 119: iWoz, iJon
11/29/07 09:05 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 119
— iWoz, iJon
29-November-1971 (Mon.)
happens in 1971, so I talk about how this
similar to Steve Wozniak’s book,
iWoz. Steve is
the engineering genius behind the Apple I and Apple
II computer and the cofounder of Apple Computer.
Steve Jobs is the marketing genius and get-it-done
cofounder who made Apple what it is today. Steve and
Steve—they did it. Apple.
I am the founder of…
Uh, I’ll be founding something or other in the future.
29-November-1971 (Mon.)

I am the founder of…
Uh, I’ll be founding something or other in the future.
Day 118: Music and art
Day 118
— Music and art
28-November-1971 (Sun.)
Contemporary art films are the focus of today’s journal. What do you see when looking at a film with flowers? Read More...
28-November-1971 (Sun.)
Contemporary art films are the focus of today’s journal. What do you see when looking at a film with flowers? Read More...
Day 117: Where’s my turkey?
Day 117
— Where’s my turkey?
27-November-1971 (Sat.)
No turkey for me this year. Totally missed Thanksgiving. I see a contemporary music theatrical event and seem to like it. Europe is generally more open to contemporary music and art.
My cousin, Walter, has left the Peace Corps. I was impressed that he joined them as a volunteer in an African village, building a village well.
27-November-1971 (Sat.)
No turkey for me this year. Totally missed Thanksgiving. I see a contemporary music theatrical event and seem to like it. Europe is generally more open to contemporary music and art.
My cousin, Walter, has left the Peace Corps. I was impressed that he joined them as a volunteer in an African village, building a village well.
Day 116: Meine klängen
11/26/07 06:58 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 116
— Meine klängen
26-November-1971 (Fri.)
Today, I play my electronic music sounds (klängen) for the class, and think about what type of composition I may want to write.
26-November-1971 (Fri.)
Today, I play my electronic music sounds (klängen) for the class, and think about what type of composition I may want to write.
Day 115: Polish electronic music
11/25/07 06:44 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 115
— Polish electronic music
25-November-1971 (Thur.)
The World Series and football season are cancelled in Vienna. Not really, Time Magazine has made me realize that I am missing these events overseas. In class, today I am happier with Polish electronic music.
25-November-1971 (Thur.)
The World Series and football season are cancelled in Vienna. Not really, Time Magazine has made me realize that I am missing these events overseas. In class, today I am happier with Polish electronic music.
Day 114: Looking dumb
Day 114
— Looking dumb
24-November-1971 (Wed.)
I am a little bit critical of student electronic music compositions today. I also make a comment about my looking dumb. What could I be wearing that would make me say that?
24-November-1971 (Wed.)
I am a little bit critical of student electronic music compositions today. I also make a comment about my looking dumb. What could I be wearing that would make me say that?
Day 113: First major snowfall; Heiler plays Bach
Day 113
— First major snowfall; Heiler plays Bach
23-November-1971 (Tue.)
The first major snowfall of the year makes me happy. The parks are beautiful and serene. A full school day ends with a world-renowed organist, Anton Heiler, in concert.
I love the snow.
23-November-1971 (Tue.)
The first major snowfall of the year makes me happy. The parks are beautiful and serene. A full school day ends with a world-renowed organist, Anton Heiler, in concert.
I love the snow.
Day 112: Thankful Thanksgiving
Day 112
— Thankful Thanksgiving
22-November-1971 (Mon.)
1971 Vienna sees a bit of snow, a good day of lessons, and a contemporary music concert. 2007 sees a Thankful Thanksgiving and my wedding anniversary.
22-November-1971 (Mon.)
1971 Vienna sees a bit of snow, a good day of lessons, and a contemporary music concert. 2007 sees a Thankful Thanksgiving and my wedding anniversary.
Day 111: Getting things done
11/21/07 07:00 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 111
— Getting things done
21-November-1971 (Sun.)
Getting things done feels good. That’s it for today. Read More...
21-November-1971 (Sun.)
Getting things done feels good. That’s it for today. Read More...
Day 110: Theater—Meine Angemessene Dame
Day 110
— Theater—Meine Angemessene Dame
20-November-1971 (Sat.)
ein wenig von der Liebe, yes,
Mit ein wenig von der Liebe.
like a theater production of
My Fair Lady in German.
An enjoyable production. I get to see my Baden 35mm
slides (Day 083) back from film processing, and
John's famous horn photo is taken today.
20-November-1971 (Sat.)

Day 109: Jerry Lewis in German
11/19/07 07:43 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 109
— Jerry Lewis in German
19-November-1971 (Fri.)
A full day in school includes a music composition from Camilla in our electronic music class, whom I remember as a Scandinavian goddess. I end the day with a Jerry Lewis movie. The dubbing, in German, made me laugh at the visuals rather than understanding the German jokes.
19-November-1971 (Fri.)
A full day in school includes a music composition from Camilla in our electronic music class, whom I remember as a Scandinavian goddess. I end the day with a Jerry Lewis movie. The dubbing, in German, made me laugh at the visuals rather than understanding the German jokes.
Day 108: Will meet Rotary students
Day 108
— Will meet Rotary students
18-November-1971 (Thur.)
A full day at school followed by a Verdi opera at night. Two letters, from Anjali and Rotary Clubs International, complete the day. Read More...
18-November-1971 (Thur.)
A full day at school followed by a Verdi opera at night. Two letters, from Anjali and Rotary Clubs International, complete the day. Read More...
Day 107: Concert nerves
Day 107
— Concert nerves
17-November-1971 (Wed.)
A young performer has a nerve-wracking concert. What does it take to be a top-tier performing artist?
17-November-1971 (Wed.)
A young performer has a nerve-wracking concert. What does it take to be a top-tier performing artist?
Day 106: Raindrops and ripples
11/16/07 09:20 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 106
— Raindrops and ripples
16-November-1971 (Tue.)
2007 is the focus of today’s post. I have had a few major events occur in a short period of time causing me to become overwhelmed and stressed. Things will be ok. In this short period, I think of a new way to look at life’s events—raindrops and ripples.
In 1971, my concern over some silly students who have a lot of money to go skiing, and to the Caribbean, for holiday vacations now seems very inconsequential.
16-November-1971 (Tue.)
2007 is the focus of today’s post. I have had a few major events occur in a short period of time causing me to become overwhelmed and stressed. Things will be ok. In this short period, I think of a new way to look at life’s events—raindrops and ripples.
In 1971, my concern over some silly students who have a lot of money to go skiing, and to the Caribbean, for holiday vacations now seems very inconsequential.
Day 105: I find money, a lot of it
11/15/07 09:36 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 105
— I find money, a lot of it
15-November-1971 (Mon.)
Today’s big story is about money. I find a lot of it and ponder what to do. If I keep it, I will have about one month’s of living expenses. What to do? What to do?
15-November-1971 (Mon.)
Today’s big story is about money. I find a lot of it and ponder what to do. If I keep it, I will have about one month’s of living expenses. What to do? What to do?
Day 104: Homesick, girlsick
11/14/07 08:32 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 104
— Homesick, girlsick
14-November-1971 (Sun.)
I’m tired. I’m homesick. I’m girlsick. Where is my new girlfriend?
14-November-1971 (Sun.)
I’m tired. I’m homesick. I’m girlsick. Where is my new girlfriend?
Day 103: Death to the idiots
11/13/07 07:02 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 103
— Death to the idiots
13-November-1971 (Sat.)
After a long day of practicing in horn ensembles, I take in a movie—the movie that really moved me a short while ago—Death in Venice. Unfortunately, some of the audience were apparently making fun of it. No, I didn’t scream it out, but probably thought it—Death to the idiots.
13-November-1971 (Sat.)
After a long day of practicing in horn ensembles, I take in a movie—the movie that really moved me a short while ago—Death in Venice. Unfortunately, some of the audience were apparently making fun of it. No, I didn’t scream it out, but probably thought it—Death to the idiots.
Day 102: Can you hear me now?
11/12/07 07:40 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 102
— Can you hear me now?
12-November-1971 (Fri.)
I’m in electronic music today. We’re looking at sound waves through an oscilloscope. Doesn’t sound exciting? Well, it’s not, but science and music are connected and learning can be exciting. It's acoustics. Can you hear me now?
Some issues are being resolved. A normal, busy day. Nothing exciting. Every day can’t be exciting, can it?
12-November-1971 (Fri.)
I’m in electronic music today. We’re looking at sound waves through an oscilloscope. Doesn’t sound exciting? Well, it’s not, but science and music are connected and learning can be exciting. It's acoustics. Can you hear me now?
Some issues are being resolved. A normal, busy day. Nothing exciting. Every day can’t be exciting, can it?

Day 101: Good horn lesson, I want to practice
Day 101
— Good horn lesson, I want to practice
11-November-1971 (Thur.)
I finally feel like I have a really good horn lesson. Thus, I want to practice more. The only thing is that I can’t, there is a problem with the practice rooms.
At night, a Strauss opera. A Richard Strauss opera is not an easy listen. Read More...
11-November-1971 (Thur.)
I finally feel like I have a really good horn lesson. Thus, I want to practice more. The only thing is that I can’t, there is a problem with the practice rooms.
At night, a Strauss opera. A Richard Strauss opera is not an easy listen. Read More...
Day 100: 100th Anniversary
Day 100
— 100th Anniversary
10-November-1971 (Wed.)
I take a
single line of journal text and expand it into a
discourse about my music studies at Indiana
University. Read, you may find it interesting. The
photos on this posting are from yesterday's Indiana
Unversity live performance and streaming of
La Boheme.
It’s our 100th anniversary. 100 days.
10-November-1971 (Wed.)

It’s our 100th anniversary. 100 days.
Day 099: Life events
11/09/07 06:58 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 99
— Life events
09-November-1971 (Tues.)
1971 is uneventful. 2007 has an important announcement (though I don't talk about it). Lesson today—throughout life there will always be things that happen, surprise us, and cause us to make important decisions.
09-November-1971 (Tues.)
1971 is uneventful. 2007 has an important announcement (though I don't talk about it). Lesson today—throughout life there will always be things that happen, surprise us, and cause us to make important decisions.
Day 098: John & Anjali (Romeo & Juliet)
11/08/07 06:32 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 98
— John & Anjali (Romeo & Juliet)
08-November-1971 (Mon.)
productive day in 1971. In 2007, I listen to a tape
from Anjali and realize that we were, perhaps, the
Romeo and Juliet of Vienna in 1971. A tragic love
story. Here's my Juliet. Ok, I may be exaggerating a
08-November-1971 (Mon.)

Day 097: Grab that shovel—Dig up your past
Day 97
— Grab that shovel—Dig up your past
07-November-1971 (Sun.)
While 1971 is a great day for music with two concerts, 2007 sees me digging up my past. I am having a blast and it is bringing up great memories, some slightly corny love songs, and a ton of music-on-tape that I haven’t heard in decades. I am so excited, that I ramble on forever in today’s posting.
I encourage you to do the same. Dig up your past and enjoy those memories. Read More...
07-November-1971 (Sun.)
While 1971 is a great day for music with two concerts, 2007 sees me digging up my past. I am having a blast and it is bringing up great memories, some slightly corny love songs, and a ton of music-on-tape that I haven’t heard in decades. I am so excited, that I ramble on forever in today’s posting.
I encourage you to do the same. Dig up your past and enjoy those memories. Read More...
Day 096: Mozart’s Nozze; 36yearsago perfect for iPhone
Day 96
— Mozart’s Nozze; 36yearsago perfect for iPhone
06-November-1971 (Sat.)
We discuss
Nozze today,
Le Nozze de Figaro. I take
some Mozartian pictures of myself in tribute to
If you have an iPhone, the 36yearsago blog reads very nicely on it, or an iPod Touch. Try it.
06-November-1971 (Sat.)

If you have an iPhone, the 36yearsago blog reads very nicely on it, or an iPod Touch. Try it.
Day 095: Death in Venice
11/05/07 07:52 AM Filed in: Vienna
Day 95
— Death in Venice
05-November-1971 (Fri.)
I see a movie today, Death in Venice. It has a powerful effect on me and so I talk a bit about life and feelings. Read More...
05-November-1971 (Fri.)
I see a movie today, Death in Venice. It has a powerful effect on me and so I talk a bit about life and feelings. Read More...
Day 094: Meet brother Dennis
11/04/07 09:36 PM Filed in: Vienna
Day 94
— Meet brother Dennis
04-November-1971 (Thur.)
I have
nothing to say about 1971 today. After a bit of
digging in my past, I find some old photos. I
introduce to you my brother, Dennis (age 8 or so),
who saw me off at the airport on Day 001 of this
blog. Dennis is a great kid.
04-November-1971 (Thur.)

Day 093: Meet Maurizio Pollini and Olga
Day 93
— Meet Maurizio Pollini and Olga
03-November-1971 (Wed.)
1971 in
Vienna ends with an amazing Maurizio Pollini piano
2007 in NJ presents my beautiful wife, Olga. I have been neglecting the family ever since I began this project. Thus, I make amends by offering her international attention. Yes, my readership will now go up to 15 or so.
03-November-1971 (Wed.)

2007 in NJ presents my beautiful wife, Olga. I have been neglecting the family ever since I began this project. Thus, I make amends by offering her international attention. Yes, my readership will now go up to 15 or so.
Day 092: Tights, tutus, and tippie-toes
Day 92
—Tights, tutus, and tippie-toes
02-November-1971 (Tue.)
stirs. Plans for a skiing vacation are formulating. I
talk a bit about my regret of not traveling more in
life. Damn Euro/dollar ratio. Damn time.
I enjoy my first ballet in Vienna—Swan Lake. There are men in tights, women in tutus, and lots of tippie-toes.
02-November-1971 (Tue.)

I enjoy my first ballet in Vienna—Swan Lake. There are men in tights, women in tutus, and lots of tippie-toes.
Day 091: Feiertag, Austrian Rotary
Day 91
— Feiertag, Austrian Rotary
01-November-1971 (Mon.)
Feiertag. Holiday. It’s All Saints Day, the day after Halloween. I’m spending money too fast, and trying to meet with Austrian Rotary Club members. Mozart’s Magic Flute restores calm. Read More...
01-November-1971 (Mon.)
Feiertag. Holiday. It’s All Saints Day, the day after Halloween. I’m spending money too fast, and trying to meet with Austrian Rotary Club members. Mozart’s Magic Flute restores calm. Read More...