36 Years Ago

36 Years Ago, Vienna 1971—A Student Journal

Day 012: Let’s go to the summer cottage, dear—Belvedere Palace

Day 12 — Let’s go to the summer cottage, dear—Belvedere Palace
14-August-1971 (Sat.)

Belvedere Palace
“Hello, yes it’s me, Prince Eugene of Savoy. Yes, the guy who defeated the Turks in 1683. Well, thanks. We want to take the kids and go to the summer cottage this weekend at Belvedere. Can you round up the 1,000-person staff and have them get the place ready? Chow.”

That was the owner of Belvedere Palace. This was the first palace that I saw up close. Palaces are huge. The gardens are incredible. The interiors are ornate and magnificent. This was only the
summer residence. Wow. I'm ready to move in.

Oh, and Anjali also plays folk guitar, sings, and writes songs. And
I’m supposed to be the musician?
