36 Years Ago

36 Years Ago, Vienna 1971—A Student Journal

Day 059: Two resolutions—exam completed and new apartment

Day 59 — Two resolutions—exam completed and new apartment
30-September-1971 (Thur.)

Wickenburggasse apartment
Examination day—composition. I’m not sure if I passed or failed. I think I passed.

Then on to my new apartment. It’s nice to settle down.

Day 057: Hot cold, Ying Yang

Day 57 — Hot cold, Ying Yang
28-September-1971 (Tues.)

Experiencing the opposites of life, a bad hair day turns into a good hair day. Hair aside, I find a room to live in for the remainder of the year. It’s a great day.

A double-bill of two light Italian operas,
Cavalleria rusticano and Paglicacci at the Volksoper makes it even better.

Day 056: Viennese house hunting

Day 56 — Viennese house hunting
27-September-1971 (Mon.)

Vienna house hunting 02
A day of house hunting, and some reflections on the kinds of housing that was available. In 1971, finding apartments was difficult in Vienna. It is probably difficult now as well, and is often just as difficult in the U.S.

Stress reliever—opera at night.

Day 050: Wien apartment hunting

Day 50 — Wien apartment hunting
21-September-1971 (Tue.)

Apartment hunting
Spent the day apartment hunting. Fun?


Some musings on apartment hunting, the 2007 US$/Euro exchange rate, and other nonsense.