36 Years Ago

36 Years Ago, Vienna 1971—A Student Journal

Day 121: Thanking Rotary

Day 121 — Thanking Rotary
01-December-1971 (Wed.)

Rotary Clubs award 1
Today, I begin writing Christmas cards to send home. I single out two cards that I am sending to two special Rotarians that awarded me the Rotary fellowship—Mr. Spaulding, the District Governor of Rotary #749, and Mr. Mitchell, the Chairman of the Walter D. Head Foundation. I am truly thankful to Rotary Clubs International and my sponsor and boss, Nick Lioy (pictured left, standing right), for this incredible year.

Day 015: 1971—What’s an Austrian schilling worth?

Day 15 — 1971—What’s an Austrian schilling worth?
17-August-1971 (Tue.)

No journal entry today.

So, I explore my financial ledger to figure out the value of the Austrian schilling. We get the approximate value, then go into a price diatribe comparing today to yesteryear, confusing you, me, and the Federal Reserve.

Day 001: The journey begins

Day 1 — The journey begins
03-Aug-1971 (Tue.)

First plane flight
Pan Am, Flight 72, 6:00 pm, 747

The journey begins. My first time on a plane. Heck, I had never been outside of NJ, NY, VT, and PA.

I'm on the way to Vienna, Austria for a year's graduate study. Perhaps one of the best years of my life.

For each day that I have a journal entry, I transcribe the entry and then give my retrospective commentary looking back from today, 36 years later. I have posted a few pages of the original journal in the Pictures/Photo section of this website. They are on the small size but give you the general idea of the original.

I hope that you join me. Enjoy.
