36 Years Ago

36 Years Ago, Vienna 1971—A Student Journal

Day 097: Grab that shovel—Dig up your past

Day 97 — Grab that shovel—Dig up your past
07-November-1971 (Sun.)

While 1971 is a great day for music with two concerts, 2007 sees me digging up my past. I am having a blast and it is bringing up great memories, some slightly corny love songs, and a ton of music-on-tape that I haven’t heard in decades. I am so excited, that I ramble on forever in today’s posting.

I encourage you to do the same. Dig up your past and enjoy those memories.

Day 079: John joins the Vienna Boys' Choir; Grammar Girl questions

Day 79 — John joins the Vienna Boys' Choir; Grammar Girl questions
20-October-1971 (Wed.)

John joins the Vienna Boys Choir
The big news is that I join the Vienna Boys' Choir. There is even a photo of me. I start my first day in electronic music, attending an acoustics class. And I have fond recollections of my new-found friend Alan [Civil, 1st horn of the BBC Symphony Orchestra] from yesterday.

I talk a lot about my writing style in this post and pose questions for Grammar Girl—should I be “true” to the journal?

Day 032: Amusement at Prater

Day 32 — Amusement at Prater
03-September-1971 (Fri.)

The Prater ferris wheel
A day at Vienna’s Prater amusement park with Anjali. I get a little dizzy, lose in ping pong, and eat a lot. As an aside, I comment on my use of emdashes and thus address some of the grammar issues of my journal writing, and plea to Grammar Girl to set me straight.
