Day 032: Amusement at Prater
Vienna 1971—A Student Journal
A year of music, study, travel, sightseeing &
Day 32
— Amusement at Prater
Went to Prater amusement park. Had a lot of fun. Went
on one scary ride—got dizzy. Tried to win prize for
Anjali—didn’t. Played her in ping-pong—she was pretty
good. The only thing I really did much better than
her—was to eat.

Spending the last few days with Anjali seems to be the highlight of my social life during this month. A lot of fun. I was not very good at ping pong, ever. I am very good at eating. I still continue that eating tradition today as I constantly eat too many sweets and fast food as I battle my bulge.
Grammar notes—some notes on my journal writing style.
I did want to comment again on the style of my writing in this journal. This particular entry used a lot of dashes.
Help me—Grammar Girl. Notice my overuse of the emdash —. In this journal, I use this emdash a lot for emphasis and to indicate hesitation—to highlight and bring emphasis to an important point. Sort of like stream-of-consciousness thinking. Actually, I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t always use it correctly. At times like this we can solicit the help of a great grammar podcast, Grammar Girl. Here are her notes on the uses of dashes.
[You can subscribe to Grammar Girl’s podcast—Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing—in the podcast section of the iTunes Music store or at her website.
Here is what says regarding the emdash.
“A symbol — used in writing and printing to indicate a break in thought or sentence structure, to introduce a phrase added for emphasis, definition, or explanation, or to separate two clauses.”
Thanks I use a lot to answer my questions. It works very nicely, generally giving you short and quick answers instead of wading through a ton of Google search results.
Another feature of my writing is not always writing in complete sentences. My intent—to summarize, use key words or short, chunky phrases—was to write for myself. I think that is typical of writing informally in journals that you think will never be read by anyone.
Web 2.0 writing style. Today’s writing styles on Web 2.0 social-networking sites is quite amazing. Sometimes I can’t even understand anything. You young folks will have to train me or send me a manual. OMG LOL
[Transcription. The only thing I correct in the transcript as I type, are the obvious spelling typos. Actually, Microsoft Word is auto-correcting much of the spelling as I type. I may have left some misspellings on the first few entries, thinking that I would be “pure” to the journal.]
Ok, see you tomorrow.
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