36 Years Ago

36 Years Ago, Vienna 1971—A Student Journal

Day 129: Planning for St. Anton

Day 129 — Planning for St. Anton
09-December-1971 (Thur.)

I make reservations to ski at St. Anton in the Austrian Alps. (Wait until you see the pictures.) I am nervous about the money, but hope it will be worth it.

My French horn needs some fixing. Oh boy.


Day 078: Three days, three world-class horn players

Day 78 — Three days, three world-class horn players
19-October-1971 (Tues.)

I've said it many times. Vienna is the city of music. In just three consecutive days, I see two solo horn concerts and an orchestra concert for a grand total of hearing three world-class horn players. AND I meet all three backstage, speak with them, obtain autographs, and try to assimilate their horn-playing skills into my body. I'm not certain if that last part worked, and so I take it upon myself to speak with them on a first-name basis.

That would be Herman, Barry, and Alan.

Vienna is the city of music.

Day 077: Barry's in town; Sight singing

Day 77 — Barry's in town; Sight singing
18-October-1971 (Mon.)

Wow! Surprises. First, being placed in the most difficult section of sight singing class, starting off with atonal sight singing. What’s next? Well, it’s a tremendous concert with world-renowned French hornist, Barry Tuckwell. After the concert, I’m speaking on a first-name basis with Barry.

In the U.S., I never get to meet anyone at concerts. In Vienna, I’m meeting everyone. It was magical.

Today’s a long post.

Day 023: My new Alexander French horn

Day 23 — My new Alexander French horn
25-August-1971 (Wed.)

Alexander natural horns
I’m in Mainz, Germany. I buy my first new French horn today at the Alexander horn shop. I’m so happy. I meet Mr. Alexander himself.

Nixon devalued the U.S. dollar a few days ago. He cost me money.

Day 022: I need a French horn—off to Mainz, Germany

Day 22 — I need a French horn—off to Mainz, Germany.
24-August-1971 (Tue.)

Off to Germany
After a day at school, it’s off to Mainz, Germany to buy my French Horn. I also provide a chronological timeline of how I got started in music—ending with an amazing secret.
