Day 077: Barry's in town; Sight singing
Day 77
— Barry's in town; Sight singing
18-October-1971 (Mon.)
Wow! Surprises. First, being placed in the most difficult section of sight singing class, starting off with atonal sight singing. What’s next? Well, it’s a tremendous concert with world-renowned French hornist, Barry Tuckwell. After the concert, I’m speaking on a first-name basis with Barry.
In the U.S., I never get to meet anyone at concerts. In Vienna, I’m meeting everyone. It was magical.
Today’s a long post.
18-October-1971 (Mon.)
Wow! Surprises. First, being placed in the most difficult section of sight singing class, starting off with atonal sight singing. What’s next? Well, it’s a tremendous concert with world-renowned French hornist, Barry Tuckwell. After the concert, I’m speaking on a first-name basis with Barry.
In the U.S., I never get to meet anyone at concerts. In Vienna, I’m meeting everyone. It was magical.
Today’s a long post.