Day 099: Life events
Vienna 1971—A Student Journal
A year of music, study, travel, sightseeing &
Day 99
— Life events
Another tremendously full day. They really get me
tired, but I feel like I accomplish a lot.
Work on electronic music in the morning. Practice
horn and piano for 6 hours. Then, at home, practice
Now, before I sleep, I’ll try to study and read. But
I don’t know if I can take it.
A full day
with lots of practice. Good.
2007 surprise. Today, I
have a bit of a surprise, one that is important and
affects future decisions. It is not health or family
related. It is not bad. I am ok. Everyone is ok. It
is just
the possibility of change. Let's
call it a life event. Although, I cannot talk about
it, I did want to bring up the fact that life has
lot's of curve balls. Life is full of
challenges—forever. Things change—always.
It’s time to take my own advice—move forward, one
step-at-a-time, one foot in front of the other. Life
goes on. Never easy, but you just do it. I am
confident things will be ok.
opera—technology style. At the
same time, I received an email from an alumni group
of Indiana University. (I received my Master's in
Composition from Indiana University.) Indiana
University was
streaming a live
performance of Puccini's
La Boheme from their
wonderful music and opera performance center. (I used
to work in that performance center as an audio/AV guy
crawling up in the rafters for concerts.)

Is it coincidence that I am viewing La Boheme almost exactly 36 years apart? Once live, and once live on a computer? See tomorrow's post. Until then.
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