Day 091: Feiertag, Austrian Rotary
Vienna 1971—A Student Journal
A year of music, study, travel, sightseeing &
Day 91
— Feiertag, Austrian Rotary
feiertag [holiday]. But I had to
use some of the day to practice—not too much, though.
Spent part of the day figuring my expenses. I’m going
to run out of money too fast. I also wrote letters
(one in German to my Rotarian contacts).
To relax, went to
Magic Flute again. Mozart is very
Saints Day. Today is a
holiday in Austria and other countries, All Saints
Day, a Christian holiday that celebrates all saints
and others in heaven. It follows “The Eve of All
Hallows”—Halloween, which is the day before. Did you
dress up this year? Halloween costumes only, please.
Day in 996. Did you
know that if you search on the “day” in
you get a whole list of events, births, deaths, and
holidays. By pure coincidence, the first event for
November 1 is:
“In 996,
Emperor Otto III issues a deed to Gottschalk, Bishop
of Friesing, which is the oldest known document using
the name
Ostarrichi (Austria
in Old
High German.)”
Pretty coincidental. The first document that mentions
Austria as a territory. Wikipedia, we love you.
out of money? I suppose
that I am spending money faster than I want.
Remember, the U.S. dollar was devalued by Nixon back
in August. I do have a book of my finances where I
list everything I buy. I think that I’m being fairly
frugal. I’m either eating at a student cafeteria or
at home. I’m not going out to restaurants. I do go to
a lot of standing-room concerts and operas—remember
that is about $1. Well, worth it. We’ll see how
things pan out.
Rotary Clubs. I finally
write some letters to my contacts in the Austrian
Rotary Clubs. Rotary Clubs International has Rotary
Clubs worldwide. Rotarians are small business owners
and professionals in a community—a place to meet,
exchange ideas, do business. The real-world version
of Web 2.0 social networks, decades before the
Internet. I write in German, and hope that I may get
to meet some Austrian Rotarians and express my
Flute. Magical
Mozart, once again.
ay 053: Mozart's magical
opera">Here is a link to that
first post on the
Magic Flute. I think
this performance was at the Staatsoper.
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