Day 048: Stress relief: Donau Park and Tower
Vienna 1971—A Student Journal
A year of music, study, travel, sightseeing &
Day 48
— Stress relief: Donau Park and Tower
Practiced. Very frustrating in practicing. Not
playing well, and seemingly not making any progress
in the change of my embouchure. Sometimes I feel like
To relax, [I] went to the Donau [Danube] Park and
Tower—very nice and pleasant to walk around in (if
weather, would be warmer). From the tower, which is
very high and rotates, the view is excellent.
certain that I will be complaining of my frustration
quite a bit, regarding my horn playing. It’s not very
interesting to read, but I certainly felt the
frustration. On that day, perhaps I wanted to quit.
All I can say today, is that everyone will experience
frustration throughout their life. Most of the time
we resolve or learn to work through the issues.
Frustration is usually greatest when you are first
learning something, or changing something. My advice,
even if you are frustrated, don’t quit. Don’t give
up. Work hard. This will apply to everything—the
workplace, high school, college, and much of what we

The park was only constructed in 1964. That means that I was there only 7 years after its opening. The guide states that the park and surrounding area has been redeveloped as the Danube City housing project. I wonder if that is a good thing. I would really enjoy having today’s Viennese discover this blog and comment on these sightseeing spots.
I enjoy being outside. I enjoy parks, watching people, seeing sights, and experiencing new things. I hope you do as well.
[*Although I now have the pictures, I am experimenting with the best reduction method and presentation. A second problem is that I do not have my “notes” that tell what each numbered slide was. I may guess that the picture is of the Danube Park but I could be wrong.]
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