Day 139: Innsbruck: Seegrube Ski School
Vienna 1971—A Student Journal
A year of music, study, travel, sightseeing &
Day 139
— Innsbruck: Seegrube Ski School
Went to Seegrube for the ski school. Beautiful
scenery. (I didn’t bring my camera). The sun was
shining and it felt great to be in the fresh air. Ski
school was typical, but I felt I was learning, for
once. All Americans (except one girl); the ski
instructor, George, was good. Spoke great English and
was really funny. “American bombers” (out of control
skiing); “boing” (when someone fell). So, for my
first day of skiing I took two 1/2 day lessons. It
felt really good.
Evening, good dinner, talk, and drink with group.
(*See next day.)

Joy of skiing. As I mention, I love being out in the fresh air. When you are out on the mountain, the fresh mountain air is refreshing. [Gale force winds in a blizzard at 10 degrees is not refreshing.] On a nice day, or even snowy day, it’s just great being on the slopes. I don’t remember the exact weather, but I think the majority of my Innsbruck skiing was in sunny weather. I'll post some photos that show a cloud cover over the valley, covering the city of Innsbruck, while the skiing is in bright, blue-sky, sunny weather.
Seegrube. When you are in the town of Innsbruck, the mountains in which you ski, surround the town. If you do not have a car rental, you need to take public transportation. I take the bus to Seegrube. I suppose that I just asked someone which mountain I should go to and they suggested Seegrube. I am an intermediate skier, and I didn’t want to ski off of a mountain cliff or into a crevasse.

[Skiing levels are generally classified as beginner, novice, intermediate, and expert. The experts are diamond, double-diamond, and the death-defying skiing and snow-boarding movies with helicopters, tree lines, cliffs, avalanches, and all of that really dangerous stuff you see on sports channels—don’t do it.]
How well do I ski? As mentioned, I ski at the intermediate level. I started skiing in college at the local NJ ski resort—in those days they were called, Great Gorge and Vernon Valley. I worked and couldn’t go skiing a lot, but managed to go a few times or so each year. Since I had no teachers and didn’t know what to do, I often took lessons. I wanted to learn to “parallel ski.” In those days, you were taught to parallel by “shifting” your weight and ski edges, not by jumping up. After many years, I guess I do okay and parallel moderately ok on not-so-steep slopes. However, I could never parallel perfectly and thus my weight and edges would fail me on very steep or icy slopes. As a consequence, I ski intermediate slopes, not expert. I tried moguls a few times in both lessons and with my cousin in Colorado (after Europe). Never could get it exactly right.
As a result, I often like to take lessons to see if I can improve my paralleling.

Guess what, the class is mostly Americans. That's funny. George the ski instructor is Austrian, I believe, and he speaks very good English. He has a sense of humor. I like that. There is only one Austrian in the class and she is a girl. Stay tuned. The asterik * in the journal has something to do with this girl. I will talk about it tomorrow.
It was a great day. It ends with dinner, drinks, and talking with a group at the hotel.
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