Day 069: The early bird gets the book
Vienna 1971—A Student Journal
A year of music, study, travel, sightseeing &
Day 69
— The early bird gets the book
Have been getting up very early with the idea of
getting a good ticket for [the] Bolshoi. Doesn’t
work. At 6:30 a.m. I’m #225. Some people waited all
Made my breakfast this morning—different. Eggs.
Went to Vienna Choir Boys [Vienna Boys' Choir] mass
“Pater Noster” by Jacobus Handl-Gallus,
I believe.] Enjoyed it but not as much as last week.
The music was why. Nice polyphonic music, which all
sounded like madrigals.
A beautiful day—like summer. Just walking
home—through the parks and beautiful buildings—made
me really feel great. It’s an amazing difference and
contrast. (1) Working hard all day. Practicing and
studying. Usually in a practice room. Usually routine
and frustrating—with a lot of pressure. (2) Enjoyment
of walking through the city and parks, or going to
musical events such as the opera.
I’ve been reading a tremendous amount of English
books (4 so far), usually at night and waiting in the
opera line. Just finished John Hersey’s
The Child Buyer—a really interesting
book. Humerous; but with chilling implications. About
a “genius boy” who is to be bought and “assimilated”
into a project—resulting in a loss of the values of
life and education as we know it. Becoming a machine.
Someday, this would be a great story line for a
multimedia opera which would be able to be somewhat
humorous (satirical) but with a sense of “universal
truth or meaning” at stake.
I hope that when I read this at a later day, I won’t
feel that I’ve been an idiot.

Night (from 4:00 to 11:00) saw Tchaikovsky’s Pique Dame (Queen of Spades) by the Bolshoi. Very enjoyable again, not as many choruses. Tchaikovsky-type music. Excellent leads—and some beautiful arias. Very enjoyable.
Early bird. The early bird doesn’t always get the worm. Getting in line at the Staatsoper at 6:30 a.m. got me position #225 in line. I forgot that the Bolshoi Theater Company was a major event in Vienna. The Viennese went nuts over them. Certainly, they are an incredible performance company.
Morning mass. Today is Sunday and it’s time for church. Once again, I get to see the Vienna Boys' Choir perform at a mass. I think that I will be seeing them regularly at Sunday masses.

Reading. 36 years later, I still can’t figure out what I was trying to say about John Hersey’s The Child Buyer. Do I have to find the book and read it again?
I read a lot in 1971. I enjoy reading a great deal, and I’m reading more now than ever before. For some of us, it’s relaxing. It lets you explore different places, worlds, history, and people, and learn about sports, computers, software, science, cooking, aliens, and a million other things.
"A book is actually the first time machine ever invented. Low-powered, great gas mileage, conserves energy, uses clean energy (your brain)—and it helps digestion. It’s an amazing invention."—John. [Grammar Girl, help me obtain immortality with this quote. Thanks.]

That’s ok. Don’t worry. You’re all fine. You’ll start to read more as you get older.
To be fair, I will say that for a period of time, when I was gradually becoming aware of things, I started to focus on reading breasts in some old Playboy that someone had discarded. Not to worry, those phases in life, as with all phases in life, pass. I think.
Try to find time to read for pleasure if you can. You’ll enjoy it.

I’ll post some pics from this day in this post.
Night opera. A Tchaikovsky opera completes the day with another performance by the Bolshoi.
It was a long day, a good day. Good night.
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