Day 154: Great skiing at Valhalla
Vienna 1971—A Student Journal
A year of music, study, travel, sightseeing &
Day 154
— Great skiing at Valhalla
Es Schneet. Aber nur ein
Well, the whole day, it was snowing a little, but no
difference in conditions. It just made it harder to
Morning. I had a lesson. Today, the lesson was
normal. And so I learned something. We also
practiced. I seem to be getting better and am doing
an awful lot of skiing.
In the afternoon, I was on my own and went to
Valhalla. Very high station. It was beautiful snow
conditions and the slope was not tremendously too
hard. I had this most enjoyable (except for once,
when I knocked two people over), run down to a dead
end. Great snow, scenery, very few people. However, I
had to take a taxi back to St. Anton.
At night, went to a live-band bar and had a pretty
good time. Met an Austrian girl and danced a lot.
Very enjoyable.
Grammar Girl. I often
suspect that my German grammar is also not very good.
I need a German Grammar Girl. It’s snowing.

A great day of skiing.
Don Juan. At night, Mr. Don Juan hits a bar with live music and spends a bit of time dancing with an Austrian girl. I like to dance. Funny, back in the States, it would be harder for me to be asking girls to dance. I suppose it is something about being overseas—Mr. International, or something.

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