36 Years Ago

36 Years Ago, Vienna 1971—A Student Journal

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How do I read 36yearsago from the beginning?

To start reading 36yearsago from the very first entry on day 1, do the following.

Method 1 - by month

• From the Welcome page, click on Blog in the right sidebar.
• Look for the archive-tag Aug 2007 in the right sidebar just above the tags section.
• Click on Aug 2007. This brings up the blog entries for the entire month of August.
Scroll down to the bottom of the web page. The first web page will be Day 001: The journey begins.
• Read the blog summary for the blog entry.
• Click on Read More following the summary, to read the detail of that blog entry.
• To return to the summaries, click on the browser back arrow.
• To continue reading, repeat the same steps from the blog summary page.
• To read chronologically, scroll up the window.
• To move to a new month, click on that month in the archive-tag section.

The above is the fastest way to read multiple entries quickly.

Method 2 - by the Daily List

• From the Blog page, click on Daily List.
• Search the titles of each blog entry.
• To start at the beginning, look for the August entries, Day 001.
• Click on the title link to bring you to the detail page.
• Continue the process to read multiple entries.

What is a blog?

• A blog is a written journal that is published regularly on the web (Internet).
• The person who is writing the blog is a blogger.
• The act of writing the blog is popularly called blogging.
• A blogging entry is called a post.

• The most successful blogs are those that are published regularly—just like reading a daily newspaper, or a weekly magazine—so that the reader knows when to expect new posts. 36yearsago.com produces a daily blog, one for each day that a journal entry occurs in my journal from 1971.

• Blogs are created most often with specialized blogging software that makes it very simple to create. I am using Rapidweaver and a variety of RW plug-ins on the Mac. Apple's iWeb software produces spectacular and easy-to-publish blogs. Stand-alone software, such as MacJournal, makes the process of blogging easy. The most popular blogging software often comes from blogging web communities that includes Word Press, Blogger, Live Journal, and others.

Blogs must be hosted on a website or through a website blogging service (Blogger, Live Journal, and others.)

• You read a blog by either go to a blog's website, or by subscribing to a blog's RSS feed, if it has one. If you don't know what this means, just ignore it.

• In 2006, Technorati claimed that there were over 50 MILLION blogs in the blogosphere—a popular term used to describe the community of blogs and bloggers.

Anyone can start a blog. You can start a blog. Pick a topic that you enjoy and start writing, err blogging.

How do I read a blog?

Browsing. Once you are at the blog's website or blogging service, you can browse through the blog entries in a variety of ways, depending on how the blogger set up his site. The main page of a blog will consist of summaries of the post, along with a title and date. Browse through the summaries, when you want to read more about the post, click on the Read More link at the bottom of the summary.

Most recent blog. By now, you know that the "latest entry" is always the first item on the blog's main page. Blog entries occur in reverse chronological order. The latest entry is on top, as you scroll down the page, earlier entries appear. For example, today's entry is the first entry, yesterday's entry is one entry below.

Archives. Blog entries are almost always archived—after a period of time, the "currently displayed" entries will be moved to a hidden area. Archived entries are accessed by clicking on a link. Archives are set to a period, either a number of blog posts (5, 10, or so) or a time period (weekly, monthly). 36yearsago is set to archive on a monthly basis. Thus, to start at the beginning of this blog, click on the August tag in the right sidebar (the bar on the right side of the page.)

Special pages. If a blogger has set up a special chronological page, you can browse that page. 36yearsago has set up a page called Daily List which lists all of the blog posts in chronological order. Click on the links to go to that blog page.

How to read 36yearsago. Here is the way that I would recommend to read this blog in a relatively chronological order:

Find the month that you want to start reading. To start at the beginning (which I recommend for the complete experience), click on the August link in the right sidebar. This brings you to the postings of that month. The latest post is on top, the first post is last on the bottom.

Scroll down to the very bottom of the page. There you will find the first post of that month. Read through the summaries.

• Click on the Read More link to read the full detail of each post.

• When done reading, press the Back button of your browser to go back to the summaries.

• Continue this until you read as much as you wish. When you are caught up, you can then read the latest posts near the top of the blog page.

What is an RSS feed?

• An RSS feed is mechanism to allow you to subscribe to the blog feed. Subscribing allows you to use a feed reader (or an aggregator) to view and read any post sent to the feed. In effect, it's like looking at a list of the daily newspaper headlines, or weekly magazine.

• 36yearsago currently does not have an RSS feed but one will probably be initiated some time in the near future.